Blackbeard's Replies

Thanks for proving my point... nothing to back up your arguments, just a pathetic troll with no life coming back with nothing but really lame insults. The only troll here is you dumbshit. From your initial post, to all of your replies. How pathetic that this is how you spend your life instead of being productive... Wow, you’ve got major issues. Also, I’m not English so I can’t be a limey. How about you grow up, you fucking idiot… Nah, you're wrong on this one Heisenberg, you obviously have no clue what you are talking about. Eddie Murphy was the only one that was cast perfectly for the role. He played the part perfectly despite the rest of the movie being kind of crap. And the fact that you jump to name-calling to that other poster shows what you pathetic troll you are. Quite obvious actually... That was his character dumbass, which by the way was written by Jonah Hill. Says the anonymous troll posting from his mom's basement. What a lame attempt. And incidentally, my Mom passed away over 20 years ago and I haven't lived in her house for over 30 years. See, I'm an actual working professional in the entertainment industry, whereas you waste your life away trolling boards like these. Anyone who would criticize someone's appearance or even make that a thing is the lowest most pathetic troll (like the OP) and by me calling them out, that makes me a troll? You're a fucking pathetic idiot and no better than the OP. Guess you've never actually spent any time in Las Vegas. I have, a lot! Even if you aren't actually cheating and have a skill likes hers (which I do as well) Casinos just don't like that, so yes, they will ban you. Or maybe they didn't want the typical fake supermodel looking actress and wanted someone more real that can actually act... you dumb misogynistic fuck. Grow up. You right-wing nuts are the most whining bunch of little bitches I have ever heard. Over 200 years of white misogynistic racists like you being represented in government and in media, and finally people of color and people in the gay community get to be represented and you all cry like 4-year-olds that had your candy got taken away from you... pathetic. You're all a bunch of incel trolls. I mean, seriously, how can you sit there and think to yourself that how you think and what you say on here is good and just? You must have the most pathetic life that THIS is what you get worked up about... Wow, it's amazing what a bunch of whiney bitches all you right-wing nuts are... every single movie now is filled with "is this woke?" You people need to grow up and fuck off with this shit already. Get over it, you lost, just like the Nazis did, just like the Confederates did. Evil will ALWAYS lose! What a piece of shit some of you people are. It has nothing to do with being "woke" dumbshit, it has to do with the fact that there are actually gay couples out there in the world, and they do adopt kids, so why can't that be shown in a movie as well? You bunch of backwards-ass childish idiots I swear... Sounds more like you don't have the mental capacity to understand what's going on. The whole point of the show is to watch it in whatever order you want to get a difference perspective on the reasons behind all of the events that took place (there are over 40,000 combinations of ways to watch this.) And incidentally, there are two episodes that take place after the heist. You obviously haven't been paying attention... that is the whole point of the show; that they're not only from the future, but there are several different alternate dimensions/timelines which they call "stubs". In the previous episode, Lev even mentioned he was the one that killed himself and his whole family in another "stub" because he couldn't stand the thought of having another version of himself existing! You're average. If you haven't seen it yet, the latest episodes (7 and 8) reveal why he's been keeping it a secret from everyone... it's a much deeper plot than him just recently being pushed into the hole and seeing the future. In case you're curious, here's a small spoiler: <spoiler>He reveals that he's known about the hole since he was a kid; ever since he jumped into it at 8 years old back in the late 1800s only to emerge from it in 1968! And Autumn is revealed to be exactly who I thought she was from the start!</spoiler> Here's the thing; whether you truly believe what you are saying (which if you did, would make you a complete idiot) or if you are just trolling, either way, the fact that this is how you spend your time, makes you one of the most pathetic human beings on this earth. It really is so sad. Trolling and/or letting yourself get this worked up over other people's sexuality (especially when, in this case, it's not true) just shows how you have no life at all... just a waste of human space. Yawn... obvious troll is obvious. You don't know a fucking thing about me. I actually have a rare genetic anomaly that makes me immune to all airborne viruses, so never been vaccinated (for Covid or even the Flu, never even got the flu in my entire life) never had a drop of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, use to like Ellen Page as an actress, hate that she has butchered herself now, and again, the fact that you've called these very well known actresses (Cate, Rooney, et al) "trans" shows that you are just a ridiculous fucking troll. Moving on...