MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) Discussion > Twin Peaks Final Dossier. How much repre...

Twin Peaks Final Dossier. How much represents the new timeline? Almost none of it? Basically all of it?

Some of the discrepancies between the tv show and the Secret History of Twin Peaks, like Annie's story, were simply reconciled in the Final Dossier and shown not to be changes after all. But others are left unexplained, like Ben Horne surrendering in his Civil War delusion instead of winning as Robert E. Lee as in the show. Do remaining discrepancies like these simply reflect mistakes in remembering accounts (seems unlikely to get things that wrong), coded messages or intentional misdirection of some kind by the archivist or someone else, or timeline changes caused by Cooper's intervention? If the latter there must be some kind of rolling effect where some events are new and others original since The Secret History still talks about Laura's murder. If some of the Secret History already reflects the new timeline then presumably even more of the Final Dossier does since it was written later.


I'm of the oppinion Cooper is still trapped inside the Lodge.
The season was heavy on dreams and dream logic [or lack there of]
And it ends with Laura whispering in Coopers ear inside the Lodge.


So you feel Cooper is dreaming all the events of S3 and the dossier stuff too?


Yes. Even the Gordon "Monica Belucci" dream feels like a meta-kind-of thing with the question "who is the dreamer".

When we see Laura whispering in Coopers ear in the first episode it seems like she's whispering the notion that what we are about to see next is his personal hell in the Lodge, to which he reacts with a disgusted "oh" [not that she actually said those words...]

I guess that what we see occurring through out the Season is just one of a series of dream-sequences Cooper has been going through ever since he walked in the Lodge.

Personal opinion of course.


I hope not. That would be almost completely pointless. I'm hoping "the dreamer" stuff was more metaphorical, like maybe in a sense each person is constantly creating the "dream" he's living in based on a combination of aspiration and interpretation of external events, the latter putting subjective spin on what's happening to help define it in his mind.


It could well be, yes.


I don't know.
