MovieChat Forums > Politics > San Francisco labels the NRA a "domestic...

San Francisco labels the NRA a "domestic terrorist" group.

No NRA member has ever conducted a mass shooting, though at least one former NRA instructor, Stephen Willeford , was the hero who stopped the murderer in Sutherland Springs, TX. There are zero acts of violence tied to the NRA.

The National Rifle Association has always focused resources on teaching safe, responsible gun ownership, including with classes. Its members are veterans, law enforcement, and those who embrace the traditional American virtue of courageous self-reliance. Many are women, and they come in all colors. They're the salt of the earth. Patriots. The best people America has to offer.

A leftist government declaring them "terrorists" simply for supporting the Bill of Rights isn't just an attack on the Second Amendment, but the First. It's as totalitarian-minded a statement as a city government can make.

All law abiding gun owners, let alone the several million citizens paying dues to the NRA, can expect their freedom to erode if this becomes a trend, and to be targeted with harassment.

San Francisco has not declared groups like Antifa, Occupy, or Black Lives Matter "terrorists" despite them organizing to riot, commit violence, and destroy property in SF and around the country, often with the outspoken goal of "revolution" (overthrowing the United States).

This clarifies that this is an ideological zero-sum game. If you believe in founding American principles then the left hates you and will do everything it can to curtail your rights and destroy you. Either the left will be defeated or America will. For humanity's sake, I hope America wins.


San Francisco (and California) are not normal places. People think differently (wrongly) out there.


You haven't even been there and if you were, you're probably one of the bumpkins that California chewed up and spit out into the Appalachian mountains where you belong.


Lol. Everyone is leaving California, including the libs because their policies have turned it into an unlivable mess with high crime and high taxes. Problem is those idiots bring their failed policies with them and try to infect and destroy the rest of the country.


That you talking or Trump/FOX/Breitbart? I don't think you even understand half this garbage you're writing out. You just repeat talking points and present them as if you're informed on the subject when the opposite is true.


That you talking or Maddow/Matthews/MSNBC I don't think you even understand half this garbage you're writing out. You just repeat talking points and present them as if you're informed on the subject when the opposite is true.


Shootings left at right. I'm old enough to remember when mass shootings were such a rarity that they would rock the nation for YEARS. Nowadays, they're as common as rain. They happen so frequently that we don't even bat an eye much anymore unless they come two or more a throw like what happened a month ago when we had two shootings in one weekend.

It's almost as easy to purchase a firearm here in America as it is to buy a candy bar. Men, women and children are dropping dead left, right and center due to lax gun laws and all the NRA wants to do is KEEP it that way. NO improvements on gun control. NO banning of assault rifles. NOTHING. I don't blame them one iota for calling the NRA domestic terrorists.

In fact, I'd go as far as to say that I think there is something mentally wrong with anyone who could witness all this death and carnage (TWO DOZEN school shootings last year alone, for fck's sake!) and just sit back and go: "eh, 2nd amendment. Live with it, libs".


Guns have been around for years. Mass shootings are something new from the past 20/30 years. Its not the guns. The NRA wants background checks and safety, don't be a puppet of the delusional left and MSM. Also, assault rifles have been banned for years. Liberals can't talk about gun laws because they don't know anything about guns.


The NRA didn't write the Constitution. They just support it, as do most Americans. Your problem is with the founding fathers, America, and freedom itself. Your "analysis" is also infantile. There's no empirical relationship between gun laws and murder rates, though there's more evidence tying strict gun control with higher crime than lower crime. Even the liberal-leaning Freakonomics guys looked at this and concluded there's no evidence associating freer gun laws with higher crime.

Studies have shown that privately owned guns are used far more often to thwart crimes than commit them (usually by just brandishing). The only thing you said that's right is that mass shootings were a rarity for most of American history, through which gun ownership was more common than it is now. The trend didn't start until Columbine in 1999, and is about media and culture, not gun laws. And of course you're lying about the NRA's response (which includes lots of suggestions for enhancing security that are practical and would save more lives from shooting attacks than actual Democrat gun control proposals would). Leftists lie. It's what they do.

Regardless of one's stance on the issue, declaring someone who merely has an opinion that differs from yours a "terrorist" marks you as a totalitarian nut job and discredits anything you have to say. Again, you hate the First Amendment along with the Second.


They don't call it the Land of Fruits and Nuts for nothing. Of course, they must go and put down the NRA when they could be doing something...I don't know...PRODUCTIVE, like getting the homeless off their streets and cleaning up the garbage, poo, and used needles. But of course, that city is not run by smart or sane people, so there's no chance of that happening any time soon.
