LeiaOfLothlorien's Replies

Ooh. So, so close! Unfortunately, I don't know enough about her to do her justice, but we could try to do something similar. Some sort of archaeological treasure hunt, kinda like Indiana Jones? Do you have a link for that? It sounds pretty cool. There is definitely magic involved, lol. Telepathy would be cool. Some wights do seem to show signs of semi-sentience, though. Like the one the Hound hit was the first one to advance. And the wight they captured reacting to his/its imprisonment. Doubtful that they'd indulge in any kind of small talk, however. A GRRM has definitely stated somewhere that it will be a bittersweet ending. Not happy, not apocalyptic. Actually, IIRC, Essos does have its version of White Walkers in the books. Something about "dead things in the grass." But I honestly don't remember much. If it's about finding the right voice, I think they would have found one by now. *shrug* The silence does certainly add some mysteriousness. I'm just curious. Well, this got buried pretty quickly. On a related note, I was thinking... What if Sansa becomes the Night Queen? She's already super pale, has been through multiple bad marriages, and she's a Stark. I don't remember many of the theories surrounding the Night Queen, however, so I could be way off the mark. Yes. It'd be better than an undead one, at least. But yeah, they are probably a separate breed. Oh well. The Ice Dragon was a separate short story, not quite part of ASoIaF books. Emerald City. It was on NBC. The character was West, Dazed got it. I'm still not buying that. It reminds me of that intro to the Bee Movie: "According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. It's wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway, because bees don't care what humans think is impossible." Dragons would care even less what humans think. Remember that dragons are most likely full of hot air due to their fire-breathing abilities, and their wings are proportional to their bodies. And the blue stuff sure looked like fire to me... Oh. That changes things, lol. No idea what happened, then! An interesting read. Beware spoilers of the Season 7 finale if you haven't seen it yet. 2) Agree about the undead dragon. But the Night's Watch did have some usefulness at their peak. 3) Back in Season 1, the witch Mirri basically told Dany that her womb was cursed. I don't remember the exact words. It's still up in the air whether dragons even have genders, so I'm not sure if Drogon and Rhaegal could mate if they wanted to. 4) Huh? Because it's incest or because of Dany's miscarriage back in Season 1? 7) I'm assuming you mean wight, not White Walker. And yes, that is the assumption. The White Walkers can apparently raise anything they want, including people, horses, bears, and dragons. They wouldn't really have any use for rabbits or squirrels. Hmm... I guess there could be some kind of magical "glue" or "patch" keeping the wights together and the dragon afloat, but that's still pushing it. I guess it's the best we'll get. All the Weyrs of Pern by Anne McCaffrey Maybe. But if it was stylistic, they could have just made him an Ice Dragon, breathing ice, covered in ice. That would have made it almost worth it. GRRM doesn't like deadlines. And he could have written himself into a hole or two or three. I'll just be happy whenever it does reach bookshelves. Not quite. ;3 I shall add another clue. That's why his nickname is Ser Friendzone. Dany will never love him romantically despite his deep love for her. I do feel kinda bad for him. Then again, their age difference is icky.