Dane's Posts

Jesus was a jew James Caan was too old for this role Is nature inherently evil? Comparing The American Empire to that of Roman Empire The japanese army justified the Nanjing Massacre Why are most people self obsessed, self centered, self absorbed narcissists ? Do you think Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins' characters should have married at the end? Did Jack Nicholson have sex with Kathy Bates while shooting this film? Do you think God destroyed Titanic because of unmarried sex between Jack & Rose? Why do the brits have a unique idiosyncratic sense of humor? RIP RIP Semiological Reductionism: A Critique of the Deconstructionist Movement Is World War 3 going to happen soon? The dialogues 'I designed a shell for you. Why would God create immoralities and sin if we are told not to indulge in it at all? Concerning Qualia, p-zombies & sub-qualia Oxygen Lois Lane is in the trailer