Kewl_Kat's Replies

If a boy gets drunk he could get raped, I suppose. But he can't get knocked-up, which takes a lot of the consequences away. He may wake up with a tender bottom but he won't be saddled with a rape baby. I suggest everybody obey the drinking laws. It's really quite simple. Everybody knows that rape is a crime and frowned upon but underage drinking is mostly accepted. The answer is most likely a combination of both. It doesn't change a thing. If an underage girl goes to a party and commits the crime of drinking herself into a stupor, do you think she has MORE of a chance or LESS of a chance of being raped? It doesn't matter if rapists are born that way or if they become that way. They will always exist. Everyone knows it's a crime, yet it ALWAYS happens. Why not take smart steps to lower the odds? If a girl is told that rape is something that is never partly her fault, she will live her life thinking her actions are inconsequential to anything bad that ever happens to her. She will have a victim mentality for life. She should live life by not being a dumbass. It's an empowering approach. A lot of parents don't consider booze to be a big issue for some stupid reason. Then their whiny brat gets blasted at a party and wonders why rapes happen. So dumb. We live in a society of idiots. We have a whiner for a president, who always cries that people are mean or unfair to him. It sends the signal to the American people that we are a country of victims. It was good for the first 10 episodes because I thought there was gonna be a kewl twist, like all of the stupid, main characters were actually dead and in some sort of weird, teenage limbo for idiots. Obviously, that wasn't the case. It was pathetic. Hannah felt that the world revolved around her and that everyone should read her mind. She was a scatterbrain who made bad decisions, used poor judgement, and blamed everybody but herself for her problems. I agree with the Boricanator. It's like trying to teach a Lion not to eat you. Good luck. There are rapists out there. If you want to reduce your odds of getting raped, be smart, stay sober at gatherings and if you find yourself at the home of a known rapist, stay out of the hot tub (unless you secretly crave being raped.) Don't be a degenerate lush and your odds of being raped will fall to near zero. When people get blasted, the lines between consent and rape get blurred. Stay sober you knuckleheads. We have become a society of "victims" as everybody is increasingly getting drunk and high and then whining about the consequences. You sicken us. Get a hobby that doesn't involve numbing yourselves from your insipid existence. I didn't like the movie. But then I saw the fan edit, with the deleted scenes added in and I liked that. It makes the film close to 4 hours long but if you can find it, watch that version. See ya. Better Call Saul and Fargo prove that you can never have enough Ehrmantrauts. But didn't she say the top 3 move on to the next round where there is big money? If they are 4th place, how do they advance? Maybe once they realize they aren't moving on, they will have to drop a couple more air conditioners on the heads of the second runner-ups or something. No need to miss anything. The thread is back and IMDb can rot in Hell! Yes, the lives of both sexes can be messed up but girls' lives will be messed up more. Sure, judgement can be impaired for both, which is why getting drunk or high is dangerous and why there are drinking laws. Go ahead and get blasted if that's your dream. Just realize there are consequences and I don't want to hear your whining when your world falls apart. You contributed to your own destruction and you knew the risks. Yes, my lesson applies to both but of course girls have more to lose because coitus that leads to an unwanted pregnancy at an early age could obviously mess them up in a disproportionate fashion. A coital bedroom is the room that contains the coital bed. A coital sofa? That's ridiculous. Where did I ever say that Bryce had "the right" to rape those two lunkheads? I never did. All I am saying is that their foolish actions helped facilitate their rapes. One was a budding alcoholic who was drunk off her ass half of the show and the other's head was so lost in the clouds that she though the hot tub of the very dude she watched rape her classmate would be a safe place for her to enjoy a relaxing soak and unwind. "I heard that your first sexual experience determines what your sexuality is." -LadyGigi That's a bunch of BS, LadyGigi. You should be smarter than to believe such obvious crap. Yes, he is a gay individual. He craves the touch of men. Could he get aroused by a woman? Perhaps. But let's face it, he's way into dudes and there is no indication he desires women. I watched this with my college roommate (she's a young woman of color) and when the credits started rolling she said, "That's it?" It was my second time watching and I liked it but I guess it's not for everyone. I even pleasured my roommate's young feminine region (we're bi) during the movie and maybe I did too good of a job and the movie was a disappointment in comparison. Who knows