Kewl_Kat's Replies

I never once said that their rapes were "justified". However, their actions contributed to each of their rapes. The lessons we can learn from this show are 1) stay sober and 2) avoid the school rapist's hot tub. I agree that they were both raped. I never said they weren't. All I am saying is that they are partly responsible. There are drinking laws for a reason. So the first girl broke the law and her crime actually directly led to her rape. The second girl failed to report the crime of rape, partly because she was also drunk. She could have intervened and helped her peer but she didn't. When she was finally raped herself, it appeared to simply be a case of stupidity. Who hops into a rapist's hot tub? So she was either incredibly stupid or she was subconsciously craving the touch of a man. Human beings are complicated and nothing is just black and white. Are you using British slang? I don't even know what you are talking about. I'm not "trolling." It's how I feel. Maybe our failure to see eye to eye is a cultural thing. I don't consider either "victims." A victim is someone who has done nothing to bring about harm to themselves. Both of the girls in this show were inviting something bad to happen. One got fall-down drunk and willingly got into a coital bed. The other hopped into a rapist's hot tub shortly after watching him rape another girl. Both girls seemed to be in the mood for coitus and were willing to let whatever happens happen. Rape is serious. That's why it should be reported. Hannah was kind of a bitch. She's was still a kid and maybe figuring out the world but she really thought it revolved around herself. She never could handle anyone ever being mean or insensitive to her but then she would be mean to Clay. Whatever. She's gone now. She will be missed but we will carry on, just like we always do. Actually, I think he can last another 7 months. We celebrate Halloween in October in my homeland. Trump isn't even a Republican. Slowly, the dummies within that party are realizing that he isn't one of them... the only thing they have in common is stupidity. I guess that's why they fell in love with each other but even the very stupid will divorce themselves from the orange buffoon and they will turn on him. Then I can dress as the worst president in history on Halloween and score all sorts of candy from Americans who will be so thankful he is gone. I haven't seen it but I'll give it a 7/10 based on your review. He needs to step down for the good of the country. I agree with Apple Lover. "He's banning CNN because they invented vile tabloid stories about him." That's a lie. Stop believing lies. If anybody is "inventing stories" it's Trump. Are you too stupid to figure this out? Dammit, where is an exploding head emoji when you need one? Shady, fancy features may come along eventually (see below)... IMPORTANT: Search for any Movie, TV Show or Actor in the search box above, or join the General Discussion boards below. We are working around the clock on new features such as nested/threaded replies, private messaging, updated design, notifications, etc. We just started a few days ago but the community response has been tremendous. Please spread the word about on social media, other forums, etc.! Yes you do, Satan. Stop lying. My opinion hasn't changed. There is just something sexy about that damned Mr. Harvey. Hehe... I like this place. Anybody else find it?