Kewl_Kat's Replies

For as long as that buffoon is in office, you will have to put up with it. There are consequences to your actions. "Thank God for Trump" What do you like best about him? The racism or sexism? Do you dream of him grabbing your genitalia? I found that scene idiotic. She knew she was at Bryce's house, didn't she? Why would she get in a rapist's hot tub? In your defense, Tuan and Henry look similar. When this season first began, for a few moments I thought Tuan was Henry in the opening school scene. I wonder if this resemblance is gonna play a factor in a future episode. Many Americans are stoopid, though. We elected Trump to be our president, for goodness sake. I think it does because it shows how blaming everybody else for your problems can be an effective way to get revenge, even in death. A better way to get revenge is to stand up for yourself and to stay alive to see the results. Hannah would have gotten a lot more satisfaction by outliving the people who she felt wronged her. She could have danced and/or urinated on their graves. The proof is in the pudding. You are a gullible fool for believing his obvious lies. He has accomplished nothing except for enraging smart people. A tiny, helpless baby and a strapping, muscular teenage boy are two different things. It seems like some people live in a totally different universe when I read some of these responses. We certainly are living in Trump's America. Everything has gone crazy. My point was and is (to teenage females): stay sober, make smart decisions and reduce your odds of being raped. How are we now talking about baby rape?? Different points of view are one thing. Basing your existence on fear and hatred is another. I am not trolling. I love to read the articles that feature whiny racists. I agree that 1 is better than 2, although I still enjoyed 2. Season 3 is shaping up to be really good. I like it better than 2 so far. It could certainly be remade. Just do it the same but with a scene or two that features full insertive coitus. Yeah, the Bee Gees are out of the question because of the unfortunate deaths but maybe CSN&Y can do a new version of Teach Your Children. Sure, they all hate each other now but I hear their hatred of Donald Trump is even greater and may inspire a reunion. [url][/url] The people who tease SJW culture are the biggest babies and whiners on the planet, though. It's like Trump supporters and Trump himself. All they do is cry about how "liberal Hollywood" and "the mainstream media" are mean to them. They constantly whine about their precious "religious freedoms" being infringed upon and throw a fit when you say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". They throw tantrums over superstition, for goodness sake! Such stupid hypocrites! The thing is, Hannah never told him that she was raped. So how was he supposed to know? He didn't handle things perfectly but if Hannah wasn't such a lunatic, maybe she could have expressed herself more effectively. If she would have been sober instead of all drunk at that party, perhaps she would have stopped the rape she witnessed and Bryce would have gone to jail instead of making Hannah his next victim. If you see something, say something. That doesn't just apply to Muslim terrorists. If people would have said something about Trump's rapes years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess. You sure have a lot of ass knowledge, sslssg. You are probably right. I am neither but I am happy to be done with you. On that we can both rejoice. It's not "easy" to rape a boy. The anus cannot be easily entered. It is clenched up tight by nature. It takes cooperation from the individual receiving the phallus. Perhaps you have never engaged in anal intercourse or maybe you have a naturally loose anus but for the vast majority of biological creatures, our anuses can't be "easily" raped. But if yours can, I sympathize with you. That really sucks.