Kewl_Kat's Replies

If you are a basic cable subscriber, I think any way you watch it is legal. You already paid for it! [quote]I hope we see the goldfish in a nice big tank with a bubbler in a later episode.[/quote] ... and a plecostomus Be nice. She's approaching 45 (in two days). I give it one thumb down and one thumb gently inserted into my pert posterior. I have a delightful derriere and I must admit, I like butt stuff. There is nothing shameful about it. He is a dirty, filthy, con man. [quote]im just gonna assume you were being funny[/quote] You know what they say when you assume, it makes an [b]ass out of u & me[/b]. Huell looks way fatter. The show is still great though. Well I've used a Ouija Board a bunch of times and nothing kewl ever happens. I even contacted the spirit of an old timey baseball player named Toad Ramsey. He supposedly died of "debauchery" which you'd think would make for a rambunctious spirit. He was known to always be drinking and had a thing for "scarlet women." He never haunts me. Never ever. I wish something scary would happen to liven up my life but alas, NOTHING. Cats and dogs all love me. My cat right now follows me all around the house and meows (never barks) at the door if I go to the bathroom for 2 minutes. He sleeps with me every night and if I get up, he has to see where I'm going. It's kinda cute but also a bit annoying. The 666 thing you are noticing is nothing at all. You see all sorts of numbers all day long and on those occasions when sixes or some factor of 6 shows up, you just notice it because it's on your mind. Trust me. As far as the fly goes, maybe you are a little stinky? Oh, and I definitely think someone was pranking you when the Ouija Board showed up all perfect looking after you cut it up into a million pieces. I'd bet a dollar on each one of those pieces that's what happened. Your Ouija pal may be honest and great but he probably has a fun sense of humor and a love of playing clever jokes. No way. Halloween 3 is great. The only reason why people say it sucks is because it has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the Halloween movies. It should have been named something else. It was unique and entertaining. She is pretty but don't believe the lies about her ass. It's only a slightly above average posterior. There are girls with much hotter asses in the show. I know because I have a very delightful derriere and I actually won a contest because of it. Hannah didn't win any contest. Her "best ass" was the opinion of ONE dude and the declaration was most likely the result of trying to make another girl (with a much better ass in reality) jealous. He was also on The Leftovers. He plays himself. Mirror Schmirror. There will be no cracking when I look at my reflection. I only use pools of water to look at my sexy reflection. Read it when I was 9. Don Eladio and Gus look waaaay older. Mike looks the same and so does Victor. Gus looks fat. Fat as hell. Gus acts sooo nerdy. Saul looks the same. But the show is still, as Tony the Tiger would say, G-R-R-REAT! You are so fragile. I thought Republicans were supposed to be the anti-snowflakes. I guess that was another lie. Anyhow, if you don't want to be insulted, stop being a selfish jerk. People may even start complimenting you. The Affordable Care Act is only failing in the states that have leaders who want it to fail (people like you, who lack empathy). Medicaid expansion would take care of this problem, as it has in the majority of states. [url][/url] "Nationally, more than two and a half million poor uninsured adults fall into the “coverage gap” that results from state decisions not to expand Medicaid, meaning their income is above current Medicaid eligibility but below the lower limit for Marketplace premium tax credits. These individuals would have been newly-eligible for Medicaid had their state chosen to expand coverage." Lewd language? Those are Trump's exact words. And I quote: Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Bush: Whatever you want. Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything. So it's ok when the president says it but if I quote him, it's "lewd". Got it. Ah yes, a brainwashed AM radio/FOX News watcher. A fully recovered economy and stock market, along with affordable health care options for all sure was “damaging.” Give it a rest. The people who feed you the propaganda that you so eagerly lap up are dirty weirdos (as evidenced by their recent firings.) Trump's nepotism means he isn't a pussy-grabbing sexist? Sure thing. Here is your Trump is a racist source: [url][/url] Game, set, match. Kewl_Kat is the champion. What is your point? That Hannah should be able to fearlessly enjoy a relaxing soak in a rapist's hot tub whenever she desires?