TracesOfLove's Replies

I hate how they treat Becky the character. I grew up with her and although Becky made bad choices, she wasn't an idiot or a whore. And she acts zanier by the episode! I'm sure for the actress it might be fun to be over the top but it ruins the character in the same way it does with Aunt Jackie. I really felt for Becky in the reboot realizing she was too old to get pregnant and thought it was a great storyline that rarely ever happens on a tv show, but nope, miracle baby! They really ruined everything that made the show great! I just finished season 1 and I'm bummed it's over and I won't have anything to look forward to Sundays. I love how dark it is but at the same time it was so wonderful I would have tears streaming down my face. Very powerful show. Most definitely! Roseanne was known for her Halloween episodes and even I had to see how it would stack up. I really expected them to try. And it was a bust! All it showed was how much Roseanne was important to the show. Darlene looked like a hypocrite especially after Megyn Kelly's firing the same week! I love how they made it a white male as the PC police. I guess that's the only way they can say he was wrong. I guess that's their reasoning. I really don't know or undestand it. It was a good one to see! I remember getting really stoned and seeing it at an all black movie theater! My favorite kind! It was the best experience ever! Yes that and the clown scene. The chair stack scene is pretty impressive how it was all done in one shot with the crew replacing them. I can't imagine trying to do that! Yeah I feel the same. I was looking forward to the premiere and then I remembered how lame it was. It did bother me so much it was painful to watch on second viewing. And the third. Out of all the things that happen on the show I hate seeing Jimmy outsmarted. Especially by some young punks! I immediately thought that maybe Kim will represent one of them and Jimmy would get his revenge. And I wanted it to happen. And then I remembered that's not Jimmy's way. That's Chuck. It bothered me so much that he lost all that money he made. But Jimmy cared less about the money and more about Slippin' Jimmy slipping. I think a lot of people are going to see how they kill her off. She had an opiod addiction so that makes sense. It's definitely not going to be funny. It'll be tragic. And Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman are going to be amazing! It's going to be dark and sad. And the rest of the season will be the family coping with the loss with comedy to break the tension. Galecki will probably be back so that will help. The character Darlene will have something to work with maybe. The loss of her mother. I wasn't feeling Sara Gilbert at all in the reboot. She was really bad. And I used to like her character a little in the original. The character of Becky was the one the highlights of the reboot. I think this season is going to do all right. But I really don't know about the following season. Because this season will have the ghost of Roseanne. Roseanne's spirit will haunt this season. Because they can fire her and kill her off but she will always live in our memory. And if the show does steer away from the loss of her, the show will be the one that's dead. I remember catching this late one night as a kid. I was a big Twilight Zone fan as well as Alfred Hitchcock, so the two together was a special treat! This was before it was easy to catch an episode on Youtube or even before the marathons on the Scifi channel. It was usually in the middle of the night on PBS or one the UHF channels. I never knew when they were going to come on but when they did I was so excited! I'm pretty sure I saw this particular one on PBS and I was so excited! I was so sure this was a prequel to It's a Good Life! They were both named Anthony and everything! Both were so scary to me but the part when magic shop wasn't there really freaked me out! I also really enjoyed Consider Her Ways. I caught that during the day and I was so drawn in. And just halfway through the program the woman declares "I think it was real!" and my mother called me to dinner and forced me to turn the tv off and it haunted me for years wondering what happened! It drove me crazy until we finally had the internet and I found out the title and that it was a short story by John Wyndham. And it was online to read! So I finally found out what happened and a few years later I could view the episode online. It was good. But it's funny because I was so upset all these years wondering what happened but now finally knowing, the mystery made it better than had I watched it all those years ago! I think that's why I really appreciate Twin Peaks. David Lynch really understands that. Another good episode like these I really loved of The Alfred Hitchcock Hour is Where The Woodbine Twineth. That scared the hell out of me as a little girl! Yeah I really loved it! The end might have been a little hard to believe they'd be able to get an ID from an animal but I'm glad they did it anyway because it was awesome! "It would have been interesting if at the end they'd shown a version of Kelly in heaven with her husband and daughter and a version of her in San Junipero with Yorkie. That would have really screwed with the audience's head." With Black Mirror being so dark, I really expected the ending to be that she chooses eternity in souless San Juniero missing out on a much better existence on an a higher plane with the family she loved. And in choosing San Junipero she was actually choosing Hell. I liked it a lot better than last season. I really hated season 5 because it just went on and on and then I realized the riot was the entire season! Now I understand why they did that because I feel it really rebooted the show. "Part of my job is interviewing college students for internships (a small part of my job). I got to know the transition between Generation X and Millenials. Trust me on this one, while there are exceptions on both sides, the gap is astounding. I also know an university professor who shares my perception - he has been teaching some computer science classes for 20+ years, and he is shocked of how utterly sensitive and stupid this generation of college students are." From my experience I notice a lot of generation x were the first kids of the baby boomers and millenials tend to be from their second marriages. So the baby boomer parents raised the millenials with kid gloves trying to fix the mistakes they made with their abandoned firstborn latch-key kids. And this is the result! My interpretation is that she met the old couple when she first arrived to Hollywood and had a similar encounter. After all the failure and humiliation she went through that moment haunts her. And she replays that interaction in her dreams. I'm here! I've been excited all day! I loved the premiere! Finally an AMC show that is actually good! The only problem was the hour went by so fast. Too fast. Haven't felt like that since Mad Men. Unlike the Walking Dead that just drags on and on! I hope not. It's the only thing I care to watch Sunday nights since Twin Peaks is over. I really care about the show. I do not agree there's too much Star Wars. I'm more obsessed with Star Wars than ever! This movie release was super exciting to me! I was horrified by so many things I was hearing about the movie I couldn't stop thinking about it! The casting particularly because Han Solo is very important to me. I was prepared to hate it. As a movie, it's not the worst. But it's not a Star Wars film. It reminds me of a really expensive fan fic from someone who is not a fan. I was very surprised to find I actually like Alden as an actor and that he had charisma. If he was a new character I wouldn't have minded him at all! But he's not Han Solo. And bless his heart he really tried! But Harrison Ford's Han was effortless! I do agree about bringing Luke Skywalker back! I don't want to wait 5 years! I'm still waiting for one that's as good as the original trilogy! Although I did like Revenge of the Sith too! And Rogue One was okay. I know! I miss it so much! My theory on why George Lucas sold the franchise to Disney and put Kathleen Kennedy in charge is so people forget that he was the one who first ruined Star Wars. I think it had a lot to do with his ex-wife Marcia Lucas, who was the reason for the success of the original and George Lucas was bitter about it. Especially after the prequels. I really feel bad for the original special effects crew most of all. I want Marcia Lucas back! She's what made the original great in the first place and why the prequels were lacking. Yes! Thanks for sharing! I just watched it! I haven't thought about that episode in a long time. So nostalgic!