MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

It won't matter, as there'll be few to bother contemplating any of this. Day to day survival will occupy humans thought processes in the future. Forever there have been nuts who would gladly destroy humanity for whatever reason their pea-sized brains could justify. Back then, they were called nuts. Many of them managed to cause lots of mayhem but extinction of the human race was beyond them. Today we are living in a world where a few nuts (Baby Kim) will have the power to wreak serious mayhem, and we have a complete society (Muslims) whose ranks are swelling with nuts who would gladly destroy the world if it meant destroying Israel and every Jew on the planet. With our disastrous treaty signed recently with Iran, the fundamental Islamists will have the capability of attacking Israel with nukes. Yes, the U.S. and the UK can destroy any country. Unfortunately, the rest of the world will go with them.. Mutually Assured Destruction has kept the the West and China and Russia from destroying each other, but now we're dealing with a group of "people" who would gladly sacrifice the entire civilized world as long as they can take Israel out. We've also got baby Kim who's a textbook psychotic and would have no compunction about lobbing nukes just to show he's a bully. The solution to that must either come from within or from China proper. Dangerous times indeed. With the disastrous treaty with Iran, expect WWIII to start when either Iran manages to nuke Israel or Israel is forced to do a preemptive strike in about 10 years. If it's surgical enough and with the support of the EU, WWIII might be avoided (depends what Putin's up to). "You found the film worthless because you obviously haven't read the short story." Reading the book on which a movie is based should never be a prerequisite for enjoying or otherwise finding value in a film. If it does, the movie is indeed "worthless". Of the examples you gave, only the two ladies in Midnight Sun got royally and unjustly screwed (and everyone else including the doctor for that matter!) Bemis was anti social and preferred reading to interacting with his friends and family, indeed, wishing he could be alone. Elva, as someone pointed out above, was an unrepentant shrew. If she was domineering as a young lady and learned her lesson, we'd have some pity for her. But she was also domineering to both her assistant and even the phone operator. There are plenty of other examples. The three astronauts in Elegy were thoroughly hosed in that episode. Jeanne Tripplehorn and Mary Steenburgen. You're a whole bag of issues... I'd love to sit in on one of your therapy sessions. I love this episode and have often wondered what exactly he was supposed to be. I don't think he was supposed to be a completely different entity that took over a fresh corpse as "Jeff" has full memories of his life before his supposed demise. He clearly still loves Comfort, and in many ways is still the same country boy although he's apparently been upgraded. A J_Myrtlebank 2.0 as it were. And while I think he's capable of a lot more than Jeff, I don't think he's malevolent. He might appear to be malevolent to the townsfolk in direct comparison to the punching bag he apparently was before his encounter with the TZ. If we look at the scene where he visits Comfort and she turns him down, he storms off angry as any young man in his situation might. But he doesn't cause the house to burst into flames or otherwise harm anyone. Then, while attempting to start Lizzie, her brother confronts him making matters worse. Despite his foul mood, he gave Orgram a way out of a beating, but Orgram kept pushing him into a fight. Jeff could have beat him mercilessly but simply walks away after knocking him down (and NOT breaking his jaw it seems). Seems all he wanted was to marry his girl, settle down and raise a family. Yep, he is a loser... Imagine if you will being president of a country with an ever decreasing IQ. We have tons of people who feed on the teat of bitter souls like Samantha Bee... Why The Donald would ever want to be president of this cesspool is beyond me.. Epic films: Gone With the Wind, The Godfather (I and II), the original Star Wars trilogy and even The Sound of Music. Pardon my bluntness, but if I were hiring a mechanical engineer, you would not be a candidate for my department (assuming you were being completely serious in your first post). If you start with a penny on the first of the month, and double it each day, you'll be a millionaire at the end of the month. More importantly, you'll have pocket change at most at the end of the first week. The point is that some things are exponential. Unless you have a degree in the physical sciences, you won't understand how one innovation will compound into many. More importantly, there is no "missing link" anywhere in the technological chain. Every invention we marvel at now had a predecessor with a traceable lineage. I would have *loved* to have had the honor of knowing your mom. It sounds like she was a wonderful (and wonder) woman. I would rather listen to Rosie O'Donnell sing than EVER visit IMDB again. It's clear that a lot of movie forum fans are suffering IMDb withdrawal symptoms, and bad. I deleted my account from IMDb and will NEVER look back. Wiki does a better job of plot synopsis (one of two things I want - the other is message boards), and TMDb has the fluff that IMDb had if I want pictures of the actors. I have also installed : to my Firefox and added as an exception. If I Google a movie, TV show, actor, etc. Google will automatically remove IMDb from my returns. It started up about Jan first, but didn't reach peak levels until the middle of February (well after the announcement), then had the steepest drop off after the boards closed. The end of March will give a much better indication how much the plummet was a graph correction and how much is a larger trend. It's been dropping steadily for the past year and bottomed at the end of December 2016. After the board cancellation announcement, it spiked upward past 2015 levels, and it's apparently bottoming again. Whether it shoots past the year end low remains to be seen, but I suspect it will set a new historic low at the end of this month, at least for a while. What's "IMDB"?? Deleted mine and my wife deleted hers. Easy-peasy. ^^ I believe the reason IMDB didn't sell the message boards are at the very least give it to someone is because they were receiving pressure from the movie studios to shut down discussions. Facebook posts get buried right away (which is why no one uses them for discussion) but IMDb discussions got too much viewing. Censorship has always been the way to control the masses... ^^ Is there a synopsis of the original Ellison story somewhere on line?