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cinles's Replies

Seeing Kerry tear up made me cry again seeing how invested she was in the characters and the story. It was sarcastic & snarky. No need to be an ass. I don't believe anything until I see it & then I still question some things, knowing how much garbage is online. When people say they might have seen something or I seem to have seen it, I don't believe it. I can't imagine Clinton running again at her age & I don't think she would have run last year if Biden had run. Because he would have beaten her in the primary. But someone has to run in 2020. Did she say it or didn't she? I don't deal in 'seems to me'. I deal in facts. I find it hard to believe she said that since she continued her political career as Secretary of State. Also, it was 9 years ago. Hillary Clinton has said she is not running for president again. She is a private citizen when she speaks as she does not hold a political office. [i]Hillary's support always seemed to be rooted much more in being "not Trump" and potentially "first woman POTUS" than in any particular love for her. She's a two-time loser and is widely thought of as flubbing what should have been a fairly easy election to win. I think she also has some serious medical issues that would make another grinding two-year campaign a long shot.[/i] What medical issues does she have?? I don't think they've had any problems, in fact, HACF really helped MacKenzie's career & Lee Pace doesn't care about acting. He just fiddles around on his farm. I think Kerry might have done some Broadway maybe? Scoot has a new series called Godless & Toby just travels around taking photos. Seriously I think Toby has done a few movies. That's great - I'm stilled awed about the mobile Vet. It's not that we don't have them here but very impressed. So happy to hear she's OK. Maybe you can relax now. Yes. ahahahahaha I said it wasn't Breaking Bad, but it wasn't about Gordon dying, but no I didn't think anyone was going to die. Yeah, a lot of people knew. They knew since season one, two & three. wht Cat? Why haven't I seen this before? How do I find out where you or anyone have posted here - I would have liked to have known you were posting about this sooner. Why didn't you tell me you had a post about what you were doing. You know I've been concerned. I just happened to see this when I went to check HACF. I guess I live in that place called denial. lol I guess I'm not that deep because I thought when he burned his journals that meant he was a little embarrassed when Katie brought them up and he wanted to put his illness behind him because he felt OK. He did drive Donna home after she got stopped by the cops, so he was driving a bit. But apparently, that is not what that meant. A little O/T here, but women have always & still wear short hair. It looked like Haley had cut her own hair to me. That's why it looked so bad. But yes, the implication from Gordon was she cut it because she's gay. I feel bad you're taking this trip alone - well with your pal. It's Boo, isn't it? It must be exhausting. Let me know when you arrive & when you watch the show. I didn't tell you what happened because I thought you already figured it out. Since the show is ending, I guess killing one of the main characters doesn't matter, but I don't know how they could have done it any other way. You're one of many who 'knew he was going to die'. As I wrote before some people knew he was going to die in season one. Joe is bi-sexual, then gay, then crazy in love with Cameron and they seem to pick up & drop that whenever they want, so yes I thought they had somewhat dropped Gordon's illness. I don't know - next week it looks like they are all cleaning out Gordon's house. They can't afford to hire anyone so Cameron is bringing the tape & boxes she found at a grocery store. Donna is having issues with both girls, Haley because of her revelations and Joanie, in general, telling her what a crappy mother she has been, so I guess life goes on. Do you think when they first gave Gordon these illnesses, because he had more than one, that they were planning to kill him? I wanted a sugary ending. I'm disappointed in the Chrises. Hope your trip is going OK. The episode is interesting - all I'm saying. I've been monitoring the other website & Twitter & I always chuckle when people say, "I knew that was going to happen". One person said, "I knew that was going to happen in season one".