batman89's Replies

You don't find that most modern trailers spoil the movie? I recall trailers for old movies usually have a narrator doing a voiceover while showing cutaways from the movie, whereas new trailers include actual audio/talking from the movie. Nice writeup. I've been following your site for quite a while now and applaud all the work you put into it. The section on legal research is well done. One thing I noticed you didn't mention is MovieChat has actors/celebrities as well (even a page for Donald Trump!). I've looked at a few of the other sites and none of the others seemed to have them. Oh and MovieChat does list the top cast members for movies/tv shows, as well as a list of similar movies/shows. Just noticed this earlier today, so probably a very new feature. It looks like we're getting new features basically everyday here, so be sure to check back often and update your review 😊 Just noticed this too. Really like the "stars" and "similar" sections on the movie pages. This site is really starting to come together. Ha good one. There are kids/people named "MC" - our initials. I'm always trying to find movies with different version, alternative endings, or unfinished workprints that differ from the final version. I remember a few years ago stumbling across a torrent for I believe Hostel but it was an early workprint and was totally different than the version released to the public. Unfortunately these occurrences are hard to find as it typically relies on someone inside the studio to leak a movie while it's still in production. Welcome simonorman! I was lucky enough to find this site when it first started (which mind you was only a few weeks ago) and I and many others have called it home ever since. How did you find out about us? A lot of us are trying to spread the word, so it would be nice to know what's working and what isn't. Am I too late? I'm also interested. Eastern time zone. Been here since the very beginning! Haha you know there's also a new Spider-Man movie coming out this year as well? It's just going to take time to recreate what we had at IMDB. The former IMDB community - what's left of it anyway - is scattered among a number of different sites. This is the best of those sites, IMO, but the fact of the matter is that there are millions of boards here - one for each movie and tv show - so it's impossible for everyone of them to be active at this point. Heck, even on IMDB not every single board was active - mainly only the ones for new and popular movies/shows. But the beauty of IMDB is that you could watch some obscure movie, then go onto the message boards and find a post from a year ago talking about it - the board itself was not active, but the content was there. That aspect of IMDB is largely captured here with the archived posts. I agree that it's going to be tough to replicate what we had at IMDB, but if any site has a chance, it's this one. I'm watching Steven Seagal's new movie Contract to Kill. It's as bad as it sounds (which is why I'm on this site while its still playing). I used to love his old work, but man I really don't know what happened to the guy. Like she kept saying, "the emotions are real" - I agree that she really wanted to just be with him and have a family, but I guess sometimes you can't avoid your past Oh yes, more Catfish. My guilty pleasure. Also I'm so pumped for Iron Fist - Rosario Dawson was awesome in Daredevil and I'm so excited to see her in a similar show. Wonder if she's doing these TV roles willingly, or if it's because she can't get any big movie roles anymore? Funny enough people say I look like a bat. My nose was severely broken in a car crash when I was 9, and ever since it kind of sticks up and into my face, kind of like a bat I guess. You can't begin to imagine the living hell that middle and high school was..."hey batman, hey batface, ..." I miss the good old days of Major League Gaming. You got to watch true professionals. Now we just see a bunch of prepubescent kids on Youtube and Twitch cursing in high pitched voices. Sigh. Entourage. Watch it and live vicariously through Vinny Chase. Disclaimer: I'm a guy. The show might have an opposite effect on girls. Woah I just tried to access it and got redirected. They actually had a pretty strong community. Wonder where they will all go, seeing as most of them would probably get banned from imdb2 immediately given all the trolls Lol really? Usually actors change their name to something more recognizable, not less! You mean like a vote/like button? Or up as in jump to the top of the page? Yeah totally agreed IMDB was way too confusing with 4 different options. I really like the nested comments here. Agree that it'd be handy to have a "jump" to latest post button though. Yeah, try to avoid feeding the trolls. I admit, I was guilty of it back on IMDB, but not here. I think I read somewhere that we're going to be getting mods or a report button soon.