is this a two parter?

IE is this film PART 1 and they don't tell us that before buying tickets?


I'm reading it is a TWO PARTER. If they don't tell us that, let's sue for false advertising.


Except they did tell us, in the very first trailer from over a year ago:


yeah.... why not in the TITLE of the movie?
sounds like they dropped telling people it was a part 1 pretty fast, up front. I wonder why?


Who knows? They did the same thing with Avengers 3 and 4. At first it was Infinity War part 1 and 2, then it was changed to Infinity War and Endgame.

It’s possible it was just a working title until they chose something they were more comfortable with.


Yes definitely. Without spoiling anything the movie sets up the final act and then it just ends.


Yes. Why charge you for one movie when they can hit you up for two?


It is. I was waiting for a 3rd act that never came, then it ended. They could have told us at least


They did, in the very first trailer:


I usually don't watch trailers as they sometimes spoil the movie.

I check non-spoiler reviews, then decide if I want to see it based on word of mouth.

Besides, I shouldn't be expected to keep track of all the trailers, and teasers, and shorts, clips etc for every movie I see, to find a half a second shot at the end of 2 and a half minutes that does flash on screen "part one". Just put it in the title of the film.

If I caught the official trailer, which is more likely as I'd be in a cinema to see it:

There's no mention of a part one.

It's only a gripe anyway. I enjoyed it, but it went 20 minutes too long in my opinion.


I’ll admit many blockbuster trailers back then had a bad habit of spoiling the whole move, and Sony in particular was bad with their Spider-Man trailers. But for a while now, trailers outside of comedies and horrors have downplayed the spoilers.

With that said, this wasn’t one of a dozen random tv spots that they bombard us with weeks before the movie releases, this was the first major trailer for the movie, and it said right in the trailer that this was a 2-parter, and that the Spider-Verse movies would be a trilogy (at least for now).
