MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Discussion > Loved the first one. Wasn't a fan of thi...

Loved the first one. Wasn't a fan of this one

Wasn't a fan of this one for a few reasons. For starters, there was waaaaaaay too much dialogue for something as simple as an animated action movie. It disrupted the pacing and urgency imo. As an avid Spider-Man comic fan, I appreciated the references but most more than others were pointless. I think the first one shined brighter because they focused on a core group of Spider-Men/Women and honed in on their uniqueness. Yes, it would be impossible to do that with so many in the sequel with such limited runtime but I would've rather had the same number of (but different) supporting cast members as the original. You could blink and miss somebody in this one. A trend I'm seeing in comic movies is preying upon nostalgia junkies with multi-verses. Doesn't matter the context or screen-time, as long as you see your favorite hero from (x) timeline it's enough to win most fans over.


Doesn't win me over. Nostalgia is fine in small doses. But now that is all they seem to be doing in these films. The multiverse device now allows them to bring back Michael Keaton and the people eat up that shit. 😂


Yes and getting very annoying. It was worse for the Spider-Man movies because people despised the McGuire films by the 3rd and hated Garfield's movies in general but hey....bring em back for the sake of and poof all that goes away.


Haha. Yup.... 😂


BS, Spider-Man 3 got mixed reviews but it wasn’t hated enough to where people wanted a reboot. A lot of people were generally upset when Spider-Man 4 got cancelled and Tobey got recast in 2010. That’s part of the reason TASM films tanked so of course people were excited when Tobey came back for No Way Home (his series shouldn’t have gotten rebooted in the first place). People liked Andrew but they just didn’t like his movies.


Do you not recall the "jig" and Venom miscast...? Nah, I remember clearly the hate people had for this movie.


The reaction in 2007 was mixed. It was not hated on the level of a Batman & Robin or Superman IV. People were still excited for Venom despite the “miscast”. If anything they were upset at Venom only being in the movie for 10 minutes and then getting killed off.


I have really mixed feelings about this movie.

Great animation, good emotional moments, it was consistently funny with all the jokes landing, but I dunno...I wasn't really a fan of the whole "canon" thing. It felt really forced.

Also, the whole "canon" thing kind of makes me wonder if Superman, Batman, Hulk, and most other comic heroes have their own multiverse as well. Like, is the DCEU in the same multiverse as the DC Animated Universe, and what about the Donner Superman movies?


DC Comics had convoluted multi-universe as well (Earth-A, Earth-B, Bizarro-Earth, etc). It existed because the Superman of the 1930s was different than the Silver Age Superman, etc.

So in 1986, DC had a major event series that destroyed their multi-universe called "Crisis On Infinite Earths" which reset everything into a single and uniform continuity.


The Flash Movie will be a reset Button for DCEU Blue Beetle will be the first of Gunns DCU then Superman Legacy


I have similar feelings. The first one was a lot of fun. It moved quickly, but took time where it needed to in order to make you care about the characters. There was a small group of heroes that was well-selected from the many options at the filmmakers' disposal, and they meshed well. The mission was straightforward, and left ample time for character growth and side adventures along the way, without ever losing the momentum that was building towards the climax. The only weakness was Aaron as the Prowler. If you weren't familiar with the source material it felt like a shoehorned in plot point in the final act in order to give the film added weight, and that should never be the case. Everything else canon still felt fleshed out. Still, I can forgive that one shortcoming and call it a great film.

This new one is kind of a mess. Despite dragging on seemingly forever, nothing was resolved, and we're now to wait for another full-length film to resolve... what, exactly? The entire film was a jumble of scenarios and situations, stuffed to the brim with scenes and characters that no doubt mean something to the most ardent of spider-fans, but were meaningless to me, and, I suspect, nearly everyone else in the theater.


Okay, thanks. Won't watch (too old for milk).


Spot on take my friend!


Just watched it tonight and had no idea that it was a 2 parter. I felt it went 20 minutes too long.

I was waiting for a 3rd act that never came, Spot showed up at the end, so I made quick run to the toilet thinking there was another 15 minutes, came back and the credits were rolling. My fault for not gauging the run time properly, maybe.

I enjoyed it, but it did go way too long so I have to mark it lower than the first film. Was feeling its length around Gwen seeing her dad, and Miles seeing his mom, it went another step after a long chase, then it slowed down again when Miles met his Uncle, and another bad guy reveal.

Maybe I'm dumb, but was a little bit confused, almost pulling my phone out to calculate how much time was left on the clock.

In the 3rd movie I'm sure that it will end with none of the bad guys being bad guys. Spot found himself (like this movie says he does), he lost "everything" but had nothing and hated his life before, now he can go travel and do whatever he wants. 42 Miles has to learn to accept that **it happens. Oscar Isaac's Miguel O'Hara Spiderman has to accept that he can't be the controlling Dad and let things run their course. Even one of the Spidey characters says "OK Dad" after Miguel barks an order. Miguel can't project his tragedies and failures onto his kids.

In the end, nobody is a bad guy and Miles teaches them how to not be the bad guy. Peter Parker in this movie says that Miles is a special human being, I forget the exact lines.

Checkovs special human being, one special human being to rule them all


In the end, nobody is a bad guy and Miles teaches them how to not be the bad guy.

thats the idea we are all human at the end quit the end of B & W are over GET WITH THE TIMES YOU DENSE ASSHOLE!!!!!!


I loved both the first one and this one.


Liked it better than the first one Gwen Stole the show But Miguel,Miles, Spider Woman and Pavitr Prabhakar were standouts.
