MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > So Vader Force-snaps a boy's neck

So Vader Force-snaps a boy's neck

I knew Vader slaughtered Jedi younglings and padawans with his lightsaber, but I wasn't aware of him just executing innocents like this, as if he fancied himself as a hangman without the rope! That was honestly quite shocking for me.


Yeah, I was kinda like, "WTF!" when I saw that. It's been minute, so I guess they want you to remember just how ruthless this dude is. Especially early in his career.


Vader was totally okay blowing up a planet in A New Hope. That was easily a couple billion kids right there.


True, but we never saw them burning for that split second or anything like that at all.

Who was it said "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic"?

I guess for all of us, it doesn't hit home until we see a single death so brutal as that.


Good point.


It wasn't Vader's idea to blow up Alderaan. That was entirely Tarkin's doing, and on the Death Star, Tarkin was in charge.


Vader is still guilty by association. He didn’t exactly protest and held Leia so she would be forced to watch.


but if he can do that......... why fight someone in a lightsaber duel?


Well we also see him force choke other people but it seems he cannot do that easily to other force users since they might be protected by the force or can counter it to some extend and most light saber users also have the force.


As noted, presumably force users -- at least ones of comparable power -- can counter it. Insufficiently powerful ones, on the other hand... Well, you can see Vader doesn't bother to lightsaber duel Reva Sevander/Third Sister. He uses the force to toy with her and take her own lightsaber away from her. It's safe to say he couldn't do that to a jedi as powerful as Obi Wan Kenobi, so him he has to duel blade to blade.
