Force ignorant

In the latest episode of the show neither Mando, Cara or anyone else acted like they had ever had any knowledge of the Force when they saw what Baby Yoda could do.. This made me wonder if their were certain parts of the galaxy where they have no knowledge of Jedi or The Force at all..


I think it's important to understand the context of time. During the prequel Trilogy most people knew about the force even if some people were skeptical, they knew of the mythology of such a thing. After the end of the Jedi order, the idea slowly died away and only became folklore known by very few. In the original trilogy, it already was not well known. The events in Madalorian takes place after the original trilogy timeline, many many years after the fall of the Jedi order.

Note, I'm not a full Star Wars nerd, I might be getting things wrong, this is my impression as a average observer.


Yes, the Empire suppressed knowledge about the Jedi and the Force after the purges. It's been years and years since flocks of Jedi knights wandered the galaxy.


This is a problem with George Lucas' writing. In the Orig Trig™, even galaxy-weary smuggler Han Solo had never so much as heard of the Force, or a Jedi knight. They were described as an all-but extinct ancient religion. It was impled they were few in number, secretive.

But old Georgieboy wanted spectacle, he wanted razzamatazz! So in waltz the prequels, showing us the Jedi Order at the height of its power, a mere [1x Luke Skywalker's age] prior to the Orig Trig™. A galaxy in which even a little slave child on the remote planet Tatooine could not only identify a Jedi knight by his trademark weapon, but also knew the terminology 'Jedi knight'.

The two trilogies do not add up to a coherent arc. George Lucas is a hack and a fraud.


Were the words Force or Jedi ever uttered? It’s possible the characters were aware of the Jedi as a group of warriors/the leader of the Rebels and the Force as a religion but not know what any of that entails such as telekinesis.

Baby Yoda isn’t a Jedi or anything. As far as they know, he’s just a little alien with weird powers and have no reason to associate him with Jedi/The Force.
