Well I Loved It!

Haven't seen any posts on here yet saying they liked it. I thought it was awesome. I thought the car chase was great. I enjoyed the comedy also. The 1 thing that made no sense was the parkour guy (Billy) getting chased by 4 guys and they all keep up with him. Someone else mentioned this in another thread.

I was telling my son that the scene made no sense. How does a director not think the same? I loved it though and thought it was very entertaining.


Wouldn't say I loved it, but it was far better than I expected. I enjoyed it.


I hope your son was visiting you in the locked Alzheimer's ward.


Ok tide pod zoomer.


He was actually visiting me in the mental hospital. I chopped a few people up back in the day for calling me crazy, no big deal. I'm out now, they say I'm all better. Did I mention I am a computer genius and can find anyone from just a single post online? 😁


My wife and I enjoyed it too. The action was over the top... I started wondering if our Netflix subscription fees were going to go up to pay for it all. :D


Good action flick.
No complaints here.
