First review is in: it sucks ass

Slant wrote a review and it's a very vapid and generic caper with absolutely nothing on the line. Jason Statham doing uninspired CGI fights and nameless actions for ultimately ???. A waste of the cast and a real misfire by Richie.


I love Josh Hartnett as an actor but yes this looks terrible. It was rumoured that Richie recut the movie several times as he was not happy with the final result along with a divesting screening in Los Angeles. Things that don't bode well.




It's ok. It's very stylized and cool and Statham and Plaza are terrific in it but otherwise its all generic.

A review for it-


I watched an hour and I'll never get that back. What a bland movie.


Saw it last night and thought it was surprisingly good. This critic sounds like they probably have brain damage.

The story is fun, it's a nice-looking movie, and the cast is great. The action, when it happens, is also well-staged.

