MovieChat Forums > The Serpent (2021) Discussion > I'm only watching to see Jenna Coleman

I'm only watching to see Jenna Coleman

...from "Doctor Who" and "Victoria." This first episode is damn boring when she's not on screen.


Funny that her role actually gets on my nerves. She is pretending to be French speaker but with a horrible fake accent. It ruins the series if you know a bit of french. In fact it is funny that everyone in this movie is pretending to be foreigner but most of them are just British.


I finished the first episode, it was abysmal. Jenna isn't in the show enough for me to watch any more episodes.


Oh you will see her a lot. It‘s a good series, just some casting problems.


Does she get nude?


Coleman isn’t supposed to be using a French accent, she’s supposed to be using a Quebecois accent. There’s a huge difference, as any true French person will tell you. The French tend to denigrate Quebecois the same way Brits denigrate American accents.

Coleman’s Quebecois sounds too delicate. Even soft-spoken Quebecois sounds harsher than Coleman’s attempt.

When she speaks English, her syllabic stressing isn’t too bad and you can tell she studied it. (Think Anna Gasteyer’s Celine Dion imitation.)

But her “th” sound is wrong. Like the French, Quebecois don’t use that sound. But unlike the French, they substitute a “t” or “d” for “th.” French speakers substitute “z” or “s” for “th.”

Quebecois saying “thank you” in English sound like “tank you.”
French sound like “sank you.”

Quebecois saying “the” in English sound like “de.”
French sound like “zee.”


I didn’t speak of French accent but of speaking French. The Quebecois obviously speak French with an accent. Coleman’s accent has nothing to do with Quebecois accent. It’s just a fake and horrible imitation of French language. Every sentence ends with a question tone because she thinks it’s how the French speakers talk. It’s just comical and doesn’t need a lesson in Franco-Quebecois relations to know how absurd it sounds.


Actually, Quebecois speakers do frequently use the upward inflection (rising intonation) when not asking a question. It’s really common. You can look it up.


I started watching for Jenna, I stayed for Ellie Bamber (Angela).


She played Cosette in the criminally underrated miniseries (non musical) version of Les Miserables with Lily Collins and Dominic West.


Drop that immediately. Jenna is no good for breeding (anymore).


Thanks for that pic. There's 50 more?
