So precious. 🥰

Everyone should watch.


I agree, this was excellent. I thought it was going to be more ‘kid’ or ‘family’ entertainment but even I, a single Pringle who enjoys the night life, LOVED it. The humor was great, the animation was new and original. It had multiple charming and relatable characters.

I love Netflix, but they’ve missed the Mark with their animated movies, something is always just OFF and I lose interest or felt like it was oookaaayyy. This was a fantastic piece of humanistic art . . .sprinkled with sci-fi robots.


And lots of funny moments for adults. There was even one scene I had to put it on pause because I was laughing so hard. 😄


Don’t ya just love a moment like that?! They don’t come often enough in life. I caught myself laughing at dumb stuff like the cat face transferring, it was just the way they DID it 😂


The wi-fi apocalypse, the whole dog /pig /loaf of bread thing (especially since my sister has a similar type of dog 😄), treating a human the way a human treats a cell phone, how the father was learning to use a computer - there were many such moments. 😊


This was really a lot of fun and very different to most kids' animated stuff on Netflix. I'd love to see more of this kind of thing. Those little inserts of the girl's strange amusing videos were just hilarious.


This movie is absolutely ridiculous. From start to where I am now. Sheer lunacy. Borderline too much yet just enough. I am watching it now and I have to pause every so often to recover from laughing. There's this bit were the tech billionaire is showing off his new robots and one throws a burrito in his mouth and he swallows it like a choking duck then smoothly continues like it's perfectly normal, and I lost it. Had to pause and leave for a while to recover from how surreally funny that shit was. Yup. Great movie!
