Good pilot episode

I watched the first episode online on Facebook and enjoyed it. It officially premieres Sunday night on CBS. I liked it. The characters are interesting and it has a good premise with a lot of potential. I think people of any belief system could watch and enjoy it. I plan on tuning in for the next new episode.


Seemed too cliche. I saw the end when he said he didn't believe in God because his mom died in a car accident after her cancer went into remission. The less cliche reason that I give for not believing is that I just don't see any reason to think that there is a God in the first place.

You have the Deist concept of God where God exists but doesn't do anything or care about humans. So that type of God could still exist regardless of how bad things are. But when you start adding attributes like "all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing" that's when it's harder to reconcile the bad stuff. But if God is not all 3 of those things, then there is no problem reconciling it.


nah, it's a trip into suspension of belief. No one accuses Preacher of being such things, when god has turned into a porn loving sadist dog, yet the premise is on being the middle ground between good and bad.

I'm an atheist. I could easily suspend my beliefs and opinions for this. It's not meant to be religious, so far at least. It's a take on something providing a crossover between two things.

Bruce almighty it is not, but it does fill the cracks.

And it's a different show, it's not vampires, or witches, or magicians. It's facebook. the even scarier and more insidious thing ever to have presented itself subversively to human kind. it bares no wings, no hooked claws nor fangs... it smiles as it steals your soul.. what more fitting place to find god.



But when you start adding attributes like "all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing" that's when it's harder to reconcile the bad stuff. But if God is not all 3 of those things, then there is no problem reconciling it.
When you realize God gave man free will, and that the bad stuff in the headlines is due to man's sin, then it's not hard at all. Don't blame God if someone kills your best friend; blame the guy who kills your best friend.

As for things like earthquakes and tsunamis, no one is making me live on a subduction earthquake fault -- I'm doing that of my own free will. If the West Coast slides into the sea, you can say I ignored all the warnings.



You're a naturally curious person, so if you watched the original "Ghostbusters" you might have looked up the Scripture quoted, or even read the entire Book of Revelation to see if it actually said that the dead were going to walk the earth before the end of the world. (It doesn't)

But that isn't the way most people are. They see entertainment and just roll with it, much as they would sci-fi or mythology. The vast majority don't think about God; think about Him as a "lucky rabbit's foot" to be pulled out when they're in trouble; think about Him when they're in church; think He's whatever they imagine Him to be; think about Him as a character in stories; or have ditched Him and put their faith in science for creation and psychology for the soul.

If you start with God as a character that taps people on the shoulder or "friends" them on Facebook, you remove Christ as Mediator, Intercessor, and substitutionary Sacrifice. Putting the damage that does to the Gospel aside (!), they then no longer have a Godhead, and hence not the real God at all, but a small "g" god; an HD god from the Hollywood dream factory, where it's all smoke and mirrors.



I can say "that isn't the way most people are" because there wasn't a big rush to Bibles by people who saw "Ghostbusters" and a resultant revival. Most people just go, "Oh. The Bible says that? Then I can see why he'd think that."

I wish that weren't the case. The question often is, "If it gets one person saved, then isn't it worth it?" The worth of one soul IS infinite, but what about the many souls led down a path that makes God just a character we can make up stories about the same way we can Zeus?

Speaking of the Pantheon of gods, perhaps you remember that early "Star Trek" episode where they ran into "Adonis," I think, who was going on about all the other gods who'd given up on being worshiped by mankind. Kirk got into an argument with him and told him that man had moved on from needing multiple gods -- "We find the One sufficient." Or the episode where Uhura solved the mystery of a civilization that had such good morals despite being sun worshipers: "I've been monitoring their communications. They're not talking about the sun the planet orbits. They're talking about the Son of God."

Every now and then there's a bright spot, but usually God gets the "character in a story" treatment, much as Adonis did.



Sorry! It was grossly unfair, and I sincerely apologize! 😂

I just brought it up because it showed how much the culture has changed. A show called "God Friended Me" would have been considered blasphemous back in the day. They might have an angel trying to get his wings, but they didn't mess around with the Person of the Godhead.

I always thought the "one sinner saved" argument didn't see the whole picture. It can be used to justify a lot of really bad stuff. No -- keep it biblical, is my motto. But you knew that.

I'd forgotten the episode was called Bread and Circuses. Golly, a people that only want food and entertainment -- sounds vaguely familiar....


Gave me the feel of a 'feel good' Person of Interest type of show.


It's a terrible premise! It's great if you want to undermine the Bible, as most of the so-called "Christian" movies do. Then God's simply a character in a book, and you can do anything you want to with Him.


I think it is a pretty good premise. There is lots of interesting things they can do with it.


Yes. With God treated as a fictional character, the sky's the limit as to what they can do. I see that as problem; you don't. We will have to agree to disagree.
