MovieChat Forums > Hereditary (2018) Discussion > being touted as scariest movie ever

being touted as scariest movie ever


It should be touted as one of the least scary movies ever.


The people callling this bad are legitamtely moronic as is evident by your unoriginal and simple minded post.


You can stop posting that link now hownos, I don't think anybody cares what nerdist deems the "scariest horror movie ever" plus as their name suggest, they're all nerds anyway. As if them saying it is some sort of validation that it is.


It was terrible. Scary? more like borrowed, boring and convoluted. It's so sad in 2018 we still have no horror movie as terrifying and well done as the Exorcist. What a shame. Hereditary has very little substance and is very derivative. It fails to create a unique atmosphere of its own, it copied the pacing of the stupid conjuring films.


Terrible? In the opinion of a moron lol. It copied the pacing of the Conjuring? Are you suffering from a recent head injury?? The pacing was absolutely NOTHING like the Conjuring! Stop watching films that were made for grown ups and stick to watching crap. This film is above you.


I can't think of a scarier modern horror film?


who paid you to pretend this bag of shit movie is scary?


You are an idiot lol This film is above you. Sorry child but this film isn't aimed at unintelligent, simpletons like yourself.


is it aimed at the fools who already bought into watching the same formualic hollywood garbage for the thousandth time?


Stop dribbling all over your keyboard, kid!
