Margot Robbie is not a draw

Just like Jennifer Lawrence who she is being set up to replace Margot is not a draw. Just another "IT" girl who is hot and people confuse her beauty with talent. Only a matter of time before her 15 mins are up and another IT girl dethrones her.


Go watch her Tonya Harding movie. Robbie can act.


She can definitely act. I've seen her in Wolf Of Street, Tarzan, and Whiskey Tango Foxtrot before watching her in Suicide Squad. When seeing her in roles like that, you wouldn't think she could go into Harley Quinn territory and go that crazy. But she does. I find that pretty cool. And the way she gets into the character of Harley Quinn, she makes me a fan of the character. And I'm not much of a Harley Quinn person. Whenever I watch something Batman related, I'm there to watch Batman beat up bad guys. But Margot Robbie knows how to get into the character. When I watch Suicide Squad or Birds Of Prey, I see Harley Quinn. I don't see Margot Robbie cosplaying as Harley Quinn.


I don't like star power anymore. Well, it is nice to have someone well known in there, but I like to give a bunch of "nobodies" a chance. I didn't know anyone in Stranger Things except Winona Ryder, but I got to know everyone. David Harbour is now a well known name to me now. Just like the kids that play Mike and Eleven. Same thing with IT 2017. Only one I really knew was the kid from Stranger Things, but I got to know everyone else. The actress that plays the young Beverly in IT 2017 and Chapter Two is popping up in a lot of things now. A lot of the actors when the MCU started were also unknowns to me. Well, I heard of a few of them, but I wasn't big fans of them and stuff. Only name I REALLY knew in the MCU was Paul Rudd. I'm a 90's kid and remember him from Clueless. Heck, back in the day I had no idea who Christian Bale was when I saw Batman Begins. He's still my favorite Batman (yes, I don't mind the Batman voice either, I'm one of the few that actually likes it).

As for Margot Robbie, she is in the middle. I wouldn't say she is a draw, but I love her as Harley Quinn. She was the best thing of Suicide Squad. And it just wows me how well she does as the character, especially since I've seen her in other movies. I like how she is one of those attractive actress that can actually act. When seeing her in Wolf Of Wall Street or Tarzan or Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, you wouldn't think she could go into Harley Quinn territory and pull off a character that crazy. But she knows how to get into character. So in a way, she is a draw, but I'm also not rushing to see every movie of hers. I've skipped quite a few of her movies, especially post-Suicide Squad. But she was a no one to me back in the day of Wolf Of Wall Street.

But overall, star power doesn't mean a thing to me anymore. As long as trailers get me interested, I'll go see the movie.


