What I learnt from RoP...

(Not a lot, because I gave up after 4 EP)

When riding an elven ship, wear full armour and don't sit down (because there are no seats).

You can be shipwrecked by a giant fish losing half your crew, shipwrecked again losing the rest of your crew but it's ok because you've rescued an elf (who hates you).

Breaking rocks is a really good way to waste everybody's time.

A dog barking at the moon doesn't make the moon fall down.

When you've been attacked by an orc that nearly killed you and your mother, go back to exactly the same place the next day.


When on a sea voyage, if in doubt about your destination, just jump into the sea.

If buoyancy becomes an issue, don't worry. You can simply look up.


- orcs are white
- only the women are smart, men are stupid
- you can be a dwarf with dark skin, despite your family living hundreds of generations underground
- elves apparently love 90s boy band hair and had great barbers and curling irons
- even in the elven version of heaven, you find nasty little bullies among children
- women are only strong if they can be horrendously bitchy and talk down to people
- bitchy feminazis are only happy when they're humping--I mean riding a horse
- when in a mounted horse battle with enemies, make sure to pull all sorts of stunts that would make no sense in a real medieval combat situation
- when you find the villain you've been looking for for ages, say nothing and let him continue to be evil
- you can blow up a mountain with hot water
- when a volcano is blowing up, just stand there and let the hot ash blast you and burn you alive, don't bother running or seeking shelter
- elves apparently can swim thousands of miles without getting tired
- Harfoots apparently mastered the paradoxical art of farming fields and then moving away before the harvest was over, and never bathed
- Harfoots like to show how contradictory their beliefs are, including teamwork and then leaving people behind when the rules are broken
- Eminem died and was reborn an ugly chick that worshiped Sauron and started a cult
- philosophical fables are horrendously dumb
- any village stupid enough to look to the resident widow healer (who has no experience in fighting orcs) for leadership deserves everything they get when orcs come to kill them
- Numenorians, who were some of the best-trained fighters in Middle-Earth, always have to take combat advice from the elves they supposedly hate for no reason
- evidently Numenor only does well when their king is useless and their stupid queen is in charge


Hobbits are all Irish now, because ya know, bigotry in Hollyweird.
