Demitri is a whiner

I hate Demetri the whinge puss and he should have gone and not aisha he really really pisses me off and I hate his character.


I seem to like the nerd characters in these types of shows and I LOVE Demetri, especially sympathising with him since his former friend Eli broke his arm deliberately, due to Tory's influence, no doubt (bitch).

What bothers me with their friendship (Demetri and Eli) is how Eli changed so quickly in just one or two episodes, becoming Hawk? He went from a bed-wetting crybaby to the badass we see, who gets a mohawk hairstyle AND a tattoo, it just seemed too quick to me.

At least they became allies at the end of Season 3.


I like how he doesn't even break a sweat and his funky hairdo get all messed up after a proper karate session with the meanest, most badass instructor known to tv land.

I mean, none of them do. Must have amazing aircon in there. When I used to train, the floor was saturated, and none of us could walk properly. But then, that was tae kwon do, not karate. we train properly.



Of course you do.
But this is a show and would be a nightmare for the make up department if they trained for real.


A bit of water spray on the do would have made it appear like he'd done more than just walk in. lol

they didn't reneg on the blood and cuts, but a bit of sweat? ahh well, when in rome..


We do not train to have merciful hair in this dojo do we!?


:) NO SENSEI !!!


I personally don't mind Demetri, but even if he were as widely reviled as Stingray, the writers seem to love the character and probably wouldn't throw him out. I've seen interviews where they mentioned that they enjoy writing him. He's probably based on one of them when they were younger, or at least a friend one of them had at that age.


I'm just not a fan of his character whatsoever and prefer he was let go and not Alisha


Demetri is terrible. I was definitely disappointed they decided to bring him back instead of Aisha. He's a jerk who was a shitty, jealous and unsupportive friend to Hawk yet Hawk was the one who got squarely villainized in their feud & paid for it repeatedly. The worst part is that the narrative never calls out Demetri for being an asshole, which he actually self righteously denies being at one point. Being a "neurotic nerd" isn't an excuse and doesn't make you a victim. He's almost as bad of a verbal bully as Yasmine which is why it's so fitting that he was always longing to be with her. As Robby would say, they deserve each other.


I don't see how Demitri was a shitty, jealous or unsupportive friend to Hawk. Sure, there was some jealousy at the first tournament, but that was played for humour. But Demitri never broke his friendship with Hawk - that was Hawk's doing, because he didn't want to be seen as hanging out with a 'loser'. Demitri kept trying to reach out, but Hawk kept refusing him. That is why Hawk was villainized in their feud, and rightly so. Hawk not only became a bully, but he bullied - and assaulted - someone who used to be his best friend.


*double post*
