Great movie

Woody’s still got it. I went to the local theater premiere, just for something to do — in this fucked up year, I’d go to a damn Uwe Boll premiere, I’m happy just to be able to leave the house & go see a movie — but knowing it was Woody, I had my hopes up somewhat.

Sure enough, he delivered. The movie has a very old-school classical charm, as his work tends to. The cast, from the many I knew to the few I didn’t, all nail their roles big & small. No one hits a wrong note in this enchanting little ditty, an ode to New York & the oft-complicated intertwining of men & women; Woody’s wheelhouse.

It’s beautifully shot, expertly crafted, & the soundtrack is wonderful... Say what you want about the guy’s personal life, but I can’t find a bad word to say about this movie. Woody triumphs with this one, would recommend. Solid 8.5 / 10


I agree with everything you've said about this charming movie, which I think is Woody's best romantic comedy in a long time. Woody does, indeed, still have it. As for his personal life, there are two things that always come up. As for the first, he married an adult woman to whom he was not related in any way, either genetically or legally. As for the second, intensive investigations conducted by police detectives, psychologists, medical doctors, and child protection authorities concluded that he did absolutely nothing, and that the entire event was fiction. I can't wait to see his next movie.


Agree. Mia Farrow is a bitter, brain-washing has-been. As for pigs like Greta Gerwig and Susan Sarandon, I will never watch their films again.

Thank God for Diane Keaton, Scarlett Johansson and Alec Baldwin, who refuse to join in the Farrow B.S.

As for the talented Timothee C, sounds like the talented, but arrogant young actor has a ton of growing up to do.


8.5 is fair, sound about right. I liked this movie and am looking forward to his next one, Rifkin's Festival, or some such?


I wasn’t expecting much here, but ended up loving it. Woody Allen does the best character driven light comedies nowadays. Vicky, Paris, Rainy Day, Jasmine among recent films, Manhattan, Danny Rose, list goes on and on.

He is a treasure, and cinema will lose one of its great Old Guard when he is longer around to direct films.


Saw it today for the first time, I think you guys liked it more than I did. The critics really hated it though, or at least, most of them did. Some of them had positive things to say about it. This is the 4th post year 2000 Allen film that I've seen and I'd probably rank it at #2 after Blue Jasmine. The other two I've seen are Anything Else and Midnight In Paris. I just didn't care for MiP that much. Anything Else was a good movie though.

Anyhow, onto ARDINY...

To me, the best part of the movie was the scene when Elle Fanning's character is contemplating on whether or not she should sleep with the Luna's character. That was pretty damn funny...

I don't like to dissect movies and come up with fancy words to describe them but I will say this movie had a touch of 'pretentiousness' to it but in a good way. It also felt somewhat over-the-top but not so much so that you have to stop watching the movie. For example.... Chalamet's character is just walking around and seems to randomly run into people he knows, doing this once or twice might be funny but he did it quite often. haha..

Still, A very solid effort from a cinema/industry veteran. Regardless of what we think about him, this Woody Allen guy knows how to make a movie. Although, after all these years, it would be good to see him go out of his comfort zone and do something other than comedy/drama/romance.

I'll give Rainy Day a 7.1 out of 10. It's worth watching if you like Allen's style of movie making.


Yes, pretty good. It's funny that the movie uses the term "quaint" and his films might deserve that word one day soon.

I had some trouble believing that those two had been together for a year (on what basis?) and with the Elle Fanning character in general, but liked that you never quite knew where the movie was going.
