MovieChat Forums > When They See Us (2019) Discussion > In an interview the five men....

In an interview the five men....

pointed out that no one in authority has ever apologized - NO ONE. On top of that, all those that did have a role in the investigation and prosecution continue to dig in their heels and maintain they did nothing wrong......sickening.


Well, they were awarded $41 million in damages from NYC in 2014, and they are asking for $52 million more from NY State. That's how apologies are handled in this country, with money. This is not to say that all is well with them. They lost years of their lives, and, in some cases, especially that of Korey Wise, who served the most time, and in adult prisons, were brutalized and beaten, even raped.


Yes, these poor fellows only stood around cheering on the rape and restraining the jogger. Aside from that, they just beat the crap out of a few other innocent pedestrians and joggers that night. These creeps didn't deserve a dime of compensation. They admitted to being at the scene, which is about as bad as committing the rape itself (which they may have; DNA sampling was a science in its infancy then). It just goes to show how effective the SJW propaganda is these days. The producer of this trash, Ava Duvernay, is as biased as they come.





ccr, are clueless. Just clueless. Have you looked at any of the information behind this case at all? Or more importantly, do you even care to?

Try picking up a book on forensics or investigations and on top of that, pull your head out of rear end when it comes to police interrogations....


^listen to this man! He knows how to lay down the law of the reality of what's going on here!


No, what he does know how to do is take his cues and gather his information from bigoted filmmakers with an agenda.


Ignore this stupid racist troll---he or she has done this for years---go on any board about a black film or movie and spew some racist bull**** about it, simply because it's about black people. He/she just says stupid s*** to try and rile people up---nothing he/she says is even worth talking about worth a damn. This stupid troll's agenda is to slam anything with black people in it===screw him or her.


What exactly is the "scene"? Central Park is a big place. If the series' depiction is accurate, they were not present at the jogger's rape, let alone restraining her; they "admitted" witnessing it under compulsion.


Check out the documentary The Central Park Five, too.


Yes! It's excellent


STFU, troll. Still being the racist 'lil troll you're always been, huh? You did this s*** all the damn time on the old IMDB boards-----always coming on there spewing your racist hatred about black people there. Don't pretend like you didn't know that they were cleared because there was never any actual evidence found to prove them guilty, and that they were basically railroaded into jail despite the fact that they were innocent. I think you know all that, but you just wanted to say some dumb racist s*** to piss people off. Guess what---it's not working, you racist POS. Now get the hell off here, since that's the only reason you came is to spew your ignorant a** racist hate. Go eff off someplace else.


The truth isn't racist, dummy. The truth is that at least 4 out of the 5 were in Central Park that night assaulting joggers and pedestrians. Some of them confessed to witnessing the rape, at the very least. These facts were completely ignored by the lying propagandist Ava Duvernay. It's truly sickening that these jerks are being hailed as heroes by morons that are easily swayed when the distortions and lies align with what motivates them politically.


No, there were dozens in the park that night and some of them that were brought in took a plea. The five wouldn't plea so they got their full sentences.

Just because they were there doesn't make them guilty. Korey had left as soon as he arrived and he got over 10 years
