MovieChat Forums > thebucketrider

thebucketrider (55)


That closing cameo (spoiler) Why exactly did François need Messr. Haffmann's papers? Was Mr. Porter real? mirror, mirror on the wall Found out (spoilers) debt paid or unpaid? the ending (spoiler free) strategic blunders in blackmail change of heart? In love and war View all posts >


It may be an error of translation, but in the version I watched, Maria speculates that it was people who owed <i>Petur</i> money. I agree it was quite mysterious, but it's not a film that ties up everything neatly. I completely understand, since it is also fading from my memory, but I seem to recall that the cop had victimised the fellow who broke into his house years ago, when the interloper was just a lad. It might be a challenge for the one who walked down the road to find alternative transportation: it looked like they were in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps not a compelling reason when weighed against all the trouble they got into, but it might have carried some weight in the heat of the moment. No way to know in advance, but it wouldn't have to be through the press. It would be enough for their spouses to get wind that they are wanted for questioning about an accident far from their homes and even farther from Paris. I thought their concern wasn't prosecution, but the harm it would do to their respective marriages if it became known that they were having an affair. Even if you have, that's only grounds for an educated guess; not everyone responds the same way to the same stressors. I'm with Renovatio: I think her andrenaline kicked in and helped her flee. You're sure he would have identified Alec after seeing his face? How recently had he last seen him? The question is whether they could have been better off in another line of work. I would have expected the hacker to get into hot water for that deception. I thought the pace became quite fast after the protagonist left the police station. View all replies >