Dumb people

prevent Hollywood from making more movies like this.


Get use to it. People are only getting dumber as the years go by.


I can see that by how easily the masses are being manipulated these days.

Is there any hope for the future?


Probably not. In days past people used to read and learn about the arts, science and literature. The government wants people to be dumb. A dumb population is a population that is easily controlled. By doing this they are making us powerless. Some will say that my theories are laughable, but people these days don't know basic facts or general knowledge.


I agree. A lot of people know this, are aware of it. Few will speak up. There are many who just keep their heads down and do what they're told, despite knowing the direction things are going. When I think of their cowardice, I accept that the population at large deserves the oppressive future they're allowing the establishment to foist upon them.

I'm lucky to be old enough to remember when things were a little bit better. I suspect at some point those of us aware this is not the way things are supposed to go will be rounded up and either exterminated or lobotomized in one way or another.


For some younger people, their ignorance and lack of knowing things is a badge of honor. They think it is an accomplishment for them to make lots of money and do very little learning or work to get it. Scary and sad.


In fairness to them, the mass media has pushed a 'Dumb is Good!' agenda for a long time. Think of Jay Leno or now Jimmy Kimmel laughing any time the idea of reading a book is/was brought up on their shows. The rugged, stupid man has always been championed over the cerebral, thinking man. Whenever there's a revolution, those who wear glasses are the first against the wall. Can't have smart people thinking too much about how one power structure has replaced another and the average person still lives in poverty (see: Bolsheviks, Chinese Cultural Revolution, Cuba, etc.).

To see just how frightened the ruling class is of a thinking population, simply look at moviechatterer's asinine comment below...


The ruling class does want to keep people stupid. They get so upset when they are revealed. I never respond to people like that.


I should do the same, but I still harbor the naive notion they might wake up and realize what's going on.


Some people will hang on to an idea until their last dying breath. My brother is a nurse and tells me about people dying of Covid who until they are on the verge of death will continue to say that the virus is a hoax. The patient and their family will deny the seriousness of the virus and will even accuse the medical professionals of killing the patient. My brother was attacked by one of these family members. If people will hang on to something to that extreme, then they will hang onto any idea. That is why I've given up on trying to argue with people like this. They will never change and I have better things to do with my time.


your theories ARE laughable.

" A dumb population is a population that is easily controlled"
is just cool sounding words out of dystopian stories like 1984 that conspiracy nutbags want to be true because then they can be the smart one that can see behind the curtain.

When in reality , certainly in western free society , thats bullshit.


Shut up, Meg.
