
Cliff had just taken acid (acid cigarette). You think we would have really been coherent enough to fight off 3 invaders?


But the heat of the cigarette might have cancelled most of the acid's effects.


You see, there's two kinds of acid users in this world - those who get glued to the floor for 8 hours and those who fight the entire Manson family while making breakfast for their dog.

Seriously though, I've heard of MMA fighters doing sparring while on acid and marathon runners finishing a marathon while tripping. LSD is not a debilitating drug...for some.


didn't really do much until getting stuck in the side, having a knife sticking outta ya will turn the trip around


On June 12,1970 Doc Ellis pitched a no hitter on acid.


Ha! I was just going to say this...Not to mention the questionable (non) effect of smoking LSD; I found this interesting article on the subject:



I would say, if he was experiencing the right kind of trip, it could have helped in dispatching the invaders.
