MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Discussion > Are the Amazons 800 years behind because...

Are the Amazons 800 years behind because they are all women?

Hence they never invented/discovered any of what constitutes human technological progress?

A bunch of women in a tropical island living in 1900s like it's still the middle ages.
That is a strong statement from such a feminist manifesto.
They could have invented high heels at least.


What I want to know is when they imported the armadillos from Texas?


Why would you ever think they would?
It wouldn't make sense if they did.
They are an Amazonian tribe from Greek mythology. The focus is on the Greek mythology aspect. That's the origin of Wonder Woman. Take that away, you take away part of what makes her character.

Also, it would confuse the audience. If you show a race from Greek mythology using cars, guns or modern/futuristic tools, the audience would cease seeing them as having any relation to ancient Greece, even if they did or the movie stated they were. They would be seen as no different to any other country in "Man's world", a term used to refer to the outside world of Themyscira that's used in the Wonder Woman comics all the time.

Furthermore, the depiction of the island is the depiction shown in the comics.
Themyscira is also known as "Paradise Island".
"Paradise" meaning it's shown in its stereotypical term and image, i.e. beaches, sunshine, palm trees etc.
If Themyscira was more technologically advanced, it ceases being "Paradise Island", because that is not what is commonly associated with a "paradise". This is from a comic book remember. Things are what they seem. Especially in the era that Wonder Woman was created. The 40s.

Plus, in the world of Wonder Woman, Themyscira has been guarded from the outside world. No influence from the rest of the world has penetrated the island. The Amazonian race were also DIRECTLY created by the Greek gods for one specific purpose; to fight and protect their land as the last remaining embodiment of their people.
Nothing more. No other purpose. They only know to fight. They only know the ways of ancient Greece.
So why would they start inventing. Why would they make "technological progress" if they had no need to?
If they didn't know how to?
If they were protected from the outside world?
It wouldn't make sense if they started this.

Finally, Wonder Woman's signatures weapons are her tiara, sword and lasso of truth.......


This is the level of technology her race has.
These are so much part of her identity, that if you take them away from her, ESPECIALLY the lasso of truth, you take away the essence of the character. Something the fans of the comics will not accept. And if you know anything about the fandom of comic book characters, they do not and will not forgive you if you do something that is unfaithful to the source material without good reason.
Themyscira being a more technologically advanced society would render Wonder Woman's weapons obsolete. There would be no reason for her to use a sword or a rope if her race has guns, cannons, missiles etc that armies in the real world have.
People would be asking why Wonder Woman has a sword or a lasso of truth when her race has more technologically advanced weapons.


Yes but I'm not questioning why they don't in this movie.
Why don't they have made such progress period?
They don't have to drive cars, but show some sign of similar progress, like the lasso of truth magic.
Instead, they live in a primitive society.
Like I said, for a story about a super woman, it certainly doesn't show women achievements in a positive light.
