This looks awful

50 shades of awful. Another 4 actresses doing the tired, old Sex and The City gimmick. Lemme guess, Fonda plays the randy Samantha character and Bergman plays the cynic Miranda.


I agree! I saw the trailer before a film and turned to my friend to tell her something similar to what you have just written. Also, that bit where the security guard in the airport search one of the women's bag and start reading her book while saying "Hoo That is naaasty" " if a security guard would do that in real life they would get fired. I just hate when you get these moment in films that are so completely out of touch with real life and how people truly behave. This films looks awful to me !


Oh I'm sure they'll all still sleep tonight, regardless of your opinion. With their money.


"Lemme guess,"
You are too young to understand this or even try.
Why did you feel the need to post? You aren't interested anyway.


I know what you mean. It's so annoying when people post nonsense like this.

Unenlightened and useless comments about what one DOESN'T like about a movie. Such a waste of time for us to read. Informative and positive comment are what I'm personally interested in.
