MovieChat Forums > Coming 2 America (2021) Discussion > Please don’t mess this up!

Please don’t mess this up!

Coming To America is a comedy masterpiece, this needs to be something really special to honour the original.

I’m encouraged by the vast returning cast and apparent appearance of Wesley Snipes! Leslie Jones? Not so much.

The director is also of good pedigree and has a successful working relationship with Murphy after Dolemite Is My Name. If he can give Murphy the space to improvise while maintaining a good story then this might just work.

The original was a Shakespearean comedy with plenty of mistaken identity, class conflict and farcical elements. It was a great story, with a heartwarming romance between loveable characters. Landis juggled everything perfectly. The sequel needs to strike that balance 🤞🏻


i hope they focus enough on murphy's character and his character is basically the same upbeat type guy.


I’m sure he’ll be the same Akeem - wise, pure, but somewhat clueless, obviously he’ll be a little more world-weary in his 60’s.

If the story is him ‘coming back to America’ then they’ll need to find new situations to throw him into, bearing in mind his American wife will have taught him a thing or two. Or perhaps the main focus will be integrating his long lost son into the ways of Zamunda.

If Akeem is relegated to a mentor role, fingers crossed the younger cast are compelling and funny enough as central characters.


I have a feeling the sequel is gonna be solid and surprise a lot of people. Most likely it won't be better than iconic original but that's not necessarily a bad thing. There's still a chance it'll be really good and stand on it's own.


The messed it up the day they green lit it.


No, they messed it up the day they decided it would be PG-13, or even PG.

That’s right, they’ve made the time-honoured mistake of pussifying an R-rated franchise to pander to the lucrative family market. Shameful.

I’ll still probably watch it but my enthusiasm has seriously plummeted. Without copious foul language and gratuitous tits it’s just not Coming To America.

