Finally another great Marvel flick

Needed this after IMO some serious duds from Marvel since Endgame. Everyone was in top form (Pratt in particular), the story was interesting, the visuals were fantastic, the music fun, and it even had some emotional weight on occasion.

Here's your random stranger's opinion - Definitely worth seeing in a theater. The sound was vibrating my seat and I couldn't take my eyes off the pretty colors. A lot of fun to be had.


Yes, I enjoyed it too. I thought it was better than the disappointing part 2, it felt like a real end for everyone :)

They didnt do Adam Warlock justice though, but hey, maybe they can fix that later...


They'll probably bring him back for either KANG DYNASTY or SECRET WARS.


Yup, best MCU film since Endgame.


That's not saying much, at least by my reckoning, as Endgame is one of my least favorite of the MCU films.

For me, of the films since Endgame, I'd rank this 4th, after Far From Home, Eternals, and No Way Home, but it's still quite good, and probably among my dozen or so favorite films of the MCU thus far.


Beyond the sight and sound experience, this was a great film to see with an audience. Without spoiling anything, there were two moments towards the end that generated a huge response from the packed house, and that communal experience adds something to the film that can't be replicated at home. I pity the lazy fools who resort to streaming films; another indicator of the dumbing down of modern society.
