The Rocky statue

In Rocky Balboa, Paulie says the statue has been taken down, and it's said in a way to make it sound like it no longer stands anywhere. In this movie, it's next to the museum in Philly where it stands in reality today. So, in universe, can we assume that Rocky's fight with Dixon persuaded the city to re-erect the statue next to the museum?


That was my interpretation and I don't think it appears in Rocky Balboa. However, they could refer to the fact that it was just moved from the top of the steps to the bottom.


They took the statue down from its original place. At the top of the steps. That is what Paulie was talking about. It’s been at its offset location near the street for many years.


The fight with Dixon helped better solidify Rocky as one of the greatest athletes of all and not just a fad of the 1970s/1980s, so it probably convinced Philadelphia to bring the statue back to the location it is now.
