Oh God, what a boring movie ... awful

I liked and got a lot out of "An Inconvenient Truth". It was the movie that framed pollution about the end of the world, when I think it would be better framed as "don't frickin' pollute and destroy the environment". Anyway, Gore's first movie was informative and educational, suffering chiefly from Gore's wooden personality.

This new sequel was terrible. Big fat Al Gore waddling around the world talking like a retard about a complex scientific subject ... but wait a minute ... there was hardly any information in this new movie. Some good news, but mostly shots of Gore, in interviews, walking around, standing on the prow of boats, and constantly having makeup applied.

This movie is awful. It is as if someone just paid a lot of money to help Gore look like a pompous idiot and Global Warming look like something you just not want to think about. A terrible movie.


The first movie was banned from classrooms for being so inaccurate. That's why this one skips all that and contains only the agenda and not the misinformation it's based on. This one can be used in classrooms.


it was -13 today, Al better stop this warming now!


-13 at a day when its usually -30 is quite warm, yes.


there are fires again in California, what is Nancy and the dems doing to stop climate change? also Nancy has been in Congress for over 35 years, what has she done to help prevent yearly fires in California?


Maybe if California stopped allowing corporations like Nestle to drain groundwater making forest dry out as a result there wouldnt be so many fires. As far as Nancy goes, shes just an old coon that cant do anything.


exactly, its called water and forest management.

the -13 was from last winter, the same cold front that froze out Texas. I stood outside for a few minutes, you could actually feel your skin freezing. it was weird.
