MovieChat Forums > Atypical (2017) Discussion > Was Julia right or wrong?

Was Julia right or wrong?

For giving her boyfriend a hard time over the strawberry? We know he's innocent but she doesn't and a chocolate covered strawberry is suggestive. My wife and daughter think Julia overreacted and was in the wrong. I feel like both she and the boyfriend were in the right.


Both of them should have gone ballistic over the strawberry and unfortunately it is a no win situation for both of them. Both would be thinking the other was behind it and just accusing them to try and deflect their own guilt. Quite frankly it seems to be the perfect prank to play on a couple, sneaking in a chocolate covered strawberry... only way to probably cause more fireworks between a couple would probably be sneaking a used condom into their living room somewhere.


Well they suggest their relationship was already in trouble so it just sped up where it was already heading.


I also feel they retroactively made the boyfriend a heel when in S1 he seemed to be a good guy and Julia was the heel.






She made a fuss over nothing......


But she couldn't know that.


Anyone would have wondered what the hell was going on.


Exactly. We only know she was wrong because we are the audience, the character couldn't have known. So they were both right.
