

Indigenous Americans and kidnapped African descendants are laughing at your obvious gaslighting!


You mean African descendants whose ancestors were kidnapped by other Africans before Europeans stopped slavery in Africa? You mean those indigenous Americans who now enjoy casino money and all the technological benefits which their stone age, scalping, treating women like property ancestors didn't?


Funny to see whites crying when blacks fight back with how historically whites have stolen from and abused black people so much.

Suck it up.


Whites never abused or stole from Blacks.


They can never present any evidence to their outrageous claims.

Ever notice that?

One thing I have noticed... They are good at kicking brown people out of their little lefty neighborhoods!


Never stole anything from a black person, from any person actually.


Oh so since you never stole that means no white person ever has stolen.


No idiot, it mean that you cannot blame the whole race. Plus that's racist.

What would you think if I would say "blacks are criminals because for sure there is a black that committed some crimes"???

You are so fucking stupid.


They did, and then the stupid white Liberals in Hollyweird ignored them because they didn't see any money in it. So they took the lazy route and decided to piss off their largest customer base with black actors instead.
