Worth Watching?

High ratings that's for sure. What's it like? Anyone watching can sell the show?


I hear it is but I kinda got bored with it.


No. It's boring AF. It starts out strong, but by ep 2 it's just a slog that never corrects. Season finale is tonight and I'm not looking forward to finishing it at all.



Its really good. One of the better shows ive seen in awhile. If you like great indepth story with lots of twist this is a great show.

If you like fake shoot them up or fake action scenes then this isn't the show for you. Its a indepth show with thinking and a slower burn


Only if you've nothing else to watch. First few eps are good then a character turns up who completely derails the show and it becomes absurd nonsense with a weak ending. It's also not an action series, it's 85% talking and every conversation is pretentious and theatrical.


Bailed early into the second episode. The fatal flaw of most of these shows is that they are s.....l....o....w, ponderous, with goofy unrealistic premises, scenarios.

I can buy the guy being badass for an old man and those badass rotweilers, but they send one van after him and no backup with a veritable army hanging around in a hanger waiting on him to be 'picked up' ? Just silly.

If anyone is going to set up a show about the lone man against the fucking CIA, they need to work it a lot harder. And then, in the second episode, his younger self is going off (in Afghanistan I presume) as a one-man Army. Because he's the only guy who can figure out how the whole deal should got done. Its a tired, tired formula, poorly wrought.

That's when I bailed. But maybe I'm too critical. Maybe others will like it. If you can buy in up till & after the point I bailed, that's on you.
