* crickets *

This place is dead.


It's the consequence of this being another woke series.

For a while, there's activity since people complain. Eventually, the activity decreases and people lose interest. People stop watching these series and stop talking about them, even for complaining.

It's happening the same with Dr.Who, which was the most popular scifi series for a while... and now there's barely any talking about it anymore.


How many woke series are there now? Watchmen. What other franchises are they destroying just to stay woke and not focus on the plot as a whole?


Most of them.

There's exceptions. The Mandalorian was fine, but a bit dull. And The Witcher seems to keep some woke tropes (the casting) but for what I heard it's quite OK, a bit dull too, but OK (I want to play the game before watching it, though, but this one is a sure watch).

It seems that most of the writers in Hollywood are woke, right now, and when producers limit the amount of politics in the series, it becomes a bit flat and dull. After all, writers are creative people, and probably limiting the politics is making them feel discouraged, and this spreads to the writing.


Oh God, Watchmen is blaxploitation level bad. I fucking hated it, hated it, hated it, hated it.
Couldn't get past the 3rd episode. Heavy handed shit.


Oh well since you're here I watched the last episode and it was so slow and boring. Probably the worst episode of the lot. Unbelievable.


If they were gonna go woke, at least they could find prettier actors ya know.
This Will boy is abso-fucking-lutely disgusting to look at like they got him from a refugee camp just yesterday, washed him and clothed him and said "ACTION!".
Dude needs to see a doctor about his kidney failure and insomnia.
Fucking ugly ass motherfucker.
