MovieChat Forums > His Dark Materials (2019) Discussion > Another tick for the ethnic diversity bo...

Another tick for the ethnic diversity box !

Will is now a black boy and being oppressed by a fascist, privileged white boy as well. Good job ! But I have to say I'm disappointed by the conspicuous lack of East Asians in the production.


Why are you surprised by this? I've known about this for weeks, long before the series started.


East Asians are being quite successful, and that means they don't score in the diversity index as much as Blacks or Hispanics. You still have East Asians in movies because of the Chinese box office, but otherwise they would be completely dismissed.

You don't believe me? check the difference between movies and series. Movies are much more dependent on China box office, series are not. Try to find East Asian diversity boxes in Netflix series, for example. It's damn difficult. Series are all about Blacks, Hispanics and Indians. His Dark Materials is no exception.

The general rule is: the poorer, the less IQ and the higher crime index a ethnicity, the better it has to be portrayed in Hollywood movies and mainstream media in general and the more it scores in the diversity index. In general modern western society is about glorifying stupidity and felony, and East Asians don't fit there well.


I really liked the actor who plays him he seems pretty good to me

And hes not black hes mixed race


To my recollection there’s nothing in the books which confirms that Will is caucasian. Pullman describes him as having dark hair and dark eyes and Amir Wilson matches this. I was pleasantly surprised by his first appearance - he seems a very capable young actor.


Descriptions don't include information that can be deducted from the context. When most characters are white, they won't use to reference the skin color unless it's not white.

Another example: books don't say anything that confirms the number of ears. That doesn't mean that every character has a random number of ears. It means that they'll have two ears. And, in case some character has a different amount (for example, one character lost one of them and only has one left), then that's included in the description.


There's nothing in the books that confirms he should be ugly as sin either...YET HERE WE ARE!!!


I don't care so much about ethnicity in this instant, more so how could they choose the ugliest teenage actor alive today.
His face is disgusting and unpleasant to look at, heavily thick eyebrows, baggy eyes (he needs to go to the doctor to check his kidneys) and a resting bitch face that's constantly begging for to be punched.
You know that elevator scene from Drive? That's what I fucking want to do to him every fucking time he's on the fucking screen.
Him plus his psycho ass mother who's constantly on the verge of dropping her last remaining marble made the ALL OF THE SCENES in "our world" all the more cringy and disgusting and pointless.
I hope all of the production and casting crew who hired these people including the Magisterium douche with an afro to get late stage cancer and die slowly and painfully, regretting every stupid decision they ever made while working on this project.
Seriously, Fuck This Show!
