MovieChat Forums > Deadpool 2 (2018) Discussion > SJW review: Looks as if the writers have...

SJW review: Looks as if the writers haven’t got up to speed with The Simpsons' Apu contraversy

The movie’s other major weakness is its continued foregrounding of the white guys at the expense of the consciously inclusive cast around them. Only Brolin’s Cable gets anything resembling a fleshed-out character. Dennison gets some space to make an impression but he’s virtually reprising his Hunt for the Wilderpeople persona, and Deadpool’s bromance with Colossus is the most meaningful relationship in the movie. More problematic is Deadpool’s cool, new African American accomplice Domino, played by Atlanta’s Zazie Beetz (at one point he refers to her as “black black widow”). Her superpower is luck, which gets the plot out of many a corner, but doesn’t extend to the script giving her any decent lines. Baccarin is largely out of the picture, Brianna Hildebrand’s enjoyably snarky Negasonic Teenage Warhead is underused, and her new Japanese girlfriend’s sole personality trait seems to be having purple hair. Worst of all is Karan Soni’s taxi driver Dopinder, a weedy, emasculated Indian stereotype whose superhero aspirations make him the beta-male butt of the joke. Looks as if the writers haven’t got up to speed with The Simpsons' Apu contraversy.

Such concerns might not bother Deadpool 2’s core audience too much, but they implicitly suggest that core audience is white and male, and that everybody else ought to just lighten up. It’s easy to do so, given Reynolds’ undiminished charm, and the generous flow of weapons-grade gags. But now that it’s no longer the underdog, Deadpool is in severe danger of punching down rather than up.


Steve Rose is now a confirmed cuck.

Sorta comes with the territory writing for The Guardian these days though.

Champagne with that socialism squire?


Shall I say nobody cares? Because in your world, nobody does.


Does that Bonsai tree care Danny?


There was no Simpsons' Apu controversy. .... the writers squashed that SJW PC bullshit real fast.

remember that guy from harold and kumar? he was also offended over apu, remember what he did in those movies? LOL that hypocrite piece of shit


To be fair, I ron’t remember Kumar having a thick accent. That seems to be what the issue is about.


Domino is a woman of color and nearly steals the show. Also, the focus of the plot revolves around a non-white male who does not have the “heroic bodytype”. It is a very inclusive cast. Sure, Warhead’s girlfriend gets little screentime but she is also a side character to a sidecharacter. Does this reviewer think the movie should have been about her?


Domino is white in the source material, her raced was changed to please Guardian reading soy boys who usually get outraged when a cast looks too white, you just can't please SJW's!
