MovieChat Forums > Anon (2018) Discussion > Seriously terrible

Seriously terrible

Wasn't long enough to flesh out concept in a meaningful way, yet had enough time for half a dozen robotic sex scenes with various cyborg looking blondes (who were actually human) plus Amanda herself. Acting wooden and shitty. Felt like they were going for futuristic film noir but it was just bland.


it helps to look at it like living in that environment, sucked all the life and passion out of humanity. people were numb, dull, boring, colorless... zero passion. THAT's why it is boring and slow - because THESE PEOPLE exist that way.

GREAT movie? No. Basic interesting sci-fi. Sure.


Now I'll give it a try.


It IS slow, and the people seem pretty lifeless (IE dull to watch them live in this world), but if you just like Sci-Fi, I think it is worth watching once. Unlike MUTE, that really had no reason to act like a Sci-Fi. I couldn't even get through MUTE.


Stalker is a champion of slow! So after Stalker, everything else seems pretty well paced ))


Ha! I bought STALKER on DVD based on reputation alone. I have no expectations, but have not watched it yet.


/it helps to look at it like living in that environment, sucked all the life and passion out of humanity. people were numb, dull, boring, colorless... zero passion. THAT's why it is boring and slow - because THESE PEOPLE exist that way./

That's a very interesting take on it :)


I agree the concepts it presented (the police being able to know everything about everyone, how the world got that way, etc.) were not fully fleshed out, but I would not call the film "seriously terrible". On the one to ten scale I personally rate it eight. I LOVE dystopian future movies!!!


To be honest, I found the way the script almost completely avoided the technology or back story reasons kind of positive. That way people can't argue about the plausibility or implausibility of the technology and/or social environment and it gets the story back to "old school" science fiction, were hyperbole and over simplification is used to more easily discuss really poignant social questions... like about personal privacy and if its worth sacrificing to be safer or to reduce crime.

And the social aspects about the show are so completely understood by us already that the only suspension of disbelief you need to make is that, somehow, all humans are attached to this system at birth and the data is stored using some kind of wireless medium (either within us or in the cloud).


I disagree. I think the actors did a great job in conveying a believable, dreary, dystopian vibe. I quite enjoyed it.
