These new klingons...

are so boring and rigid. The post-TOS klingons would have whooped it up with bloodwine, singing and head butting and boasting about how many Federation ships were destroyed. These new Klingons have no personality.


I cant get over how horrible they are, these things have nothing to do with Kligons.


I've decided to form a mental block whenever these new Klingons appear on the screen. As far as I'm concerned they're simply a new hostile species called the Clink Cons Or Maybe Michael Burnham will wake up and realize that she just had a bad dream with these piss poor versions. And don't get me started about the closed captioning every time one of these muttering clink cons opens his mouth.


These new Klingons immediately reminded me of the hairless monkeys (Kilrathi) that were the bad guys in the Wing Commander movie, back in 1999.

In the Wing Commander games, which were all made before the movie release, the Kilrathi were cat/tiger-like and were well designed, in the movie they made them look ridiculous.

So with Star Trek, we had an amazing Klingon template with TNG, DS9, and VOY to work with, instead Discovery abandons that excellent template for hairless monkeys.


The added prosthetics just leaves them expressionless.


They look like greasy alien turds.

Maybe season two will be a reboot.
