MovieChat Forums > Mother! (2017) Discussion > What ever happened to nuance?

What ever happened to nuance?

Used to be some people liked a movie, some people didn’t. We would debate, disagree and exchange ideas and opinions. Opinions were rarely changed but opposing views were accepted mostly as constructive insight. It was a conversation between varying opinions.

Now there is no acceptance of anyone’s opinion other than their own. Ideas are no longer debated and discussed. Name calling and vitriol has replaced constructive discussion. I’m right, you’re wrong, and I don’t accept anyone’s idea but my own. Anger, contempt and viciousness are levied toward anyone who disagrees.

The world is full of opinions and ideas and just because you may have one it doesn’t necessarily make you right. The ability to accept other ideas and debate them is a sign of intellect, not weakness. Close mindedness, name calling and vitriol are indications of a lack of intelligence. A mind open to hearing opposing ideas and opinions always results in a more informed individual.

You are welcome to disagree.


I suspect it is the slow breakdown of respect, social skills, and manners over the last couple of decades brought on by ME-ism, selfishness, bad parenting (absent parents, broken homes), technology spoiling everyone with instant everything, and it is only going to get worse.

Now, when you HAVE any opinion or perspective, it gets dragged across the internet globally, and EVERYONE jumps on it not knowing the real story. This will lead to less and less personal ideas and opinions, thus, propagating the elimination of "individuality" and the freedom of it.

It's sad and pathetic. I've had plenty of intelligent discussions with people in the past, but, yes, things are getting worse. I won't blame millennials (the ones I know personally are outstanding people) but perhaps MY generation that raised them poorly. And on down the hill it goes.


Normally I would agree totally with what you're saying, and I too miss those days when such discussions were possible. If I could be so presumptuous to speak for the more thoughtful amongst us, I think many of us are frustrated with the element that come in with an automatic dismissive attitude and gleefully pounce on an artwork's perceived success or failure. Personally, I don't know a better way to deal with such a dismissive attitude, particularly with a artwork such as this with clearly something important to say, but with a hammer. I wish it weren't so, but I do applaud your, perhaps naive, attempt to restore civility.


" I think many of us are frustrated with the element that come in with an automatic dismissive attitude and gleefully pounce on an artwork's perceived success or failure."

What happened to just ignoring the trolls? Why does every stupid comment deserve a response?


Personally, I have found the "ignore the trolls and they will leave" ol' chestnut to be wholly mythological, so I have moved on to the hammer method, which, admittedly, may or may not work as well. I'm still experimenting (not just here) with mixed results, but the internet is still in its infancy.

BTW, no inconsistency here, it may or may not work, AND I know of no better way, FWIW.


I'm of the generation that watched Siskel and Ebert religiously and wanted to be like them because the job was cool but also it was so much fun to watch a real debate over something I loved. I miss it too and wish that now that i'm trying to be like them, I could bring it back in some way. The trolls have ruined it (and the imdb message boards for that matter) but I do think (and hope) there are more people more interested in participating in that debate than just willing to troll.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


I miss Siskel and Ebert, as well. It was the show I would most look forward to each week. Still looking for a replacement.
Tip for you: Drop the foul mouth. It's as if some joe off the street is giving his opinion on some movie he just saw, as opposed to a serious review. Aside from some verbal mistakes you could have cleaned up with editing, pretty good review.


cool, thanks for the tips


Here is what I believe is the real, full issue:

When the internet was just going public, I was online "discussing" things with people. Not with like minded, equally intelligent communicators.... it was ANYONE. Even children.

This is a communication that should never have been allowed to exist.

It's as if you went to a public mall, randomly picked a cross section of randomly diverse people, shove them into a corner and watch the discussion. MOST OF THEM you would never be sitting around talking with IN REAL LIFE. Do we want our younger children to go into the cigar smoking den and discuss world politics with a bunch of old fogies? Of course not, and they should be bored by the idea and repelled. Not so online. It's just another game.

The internet is ultimate freedom of global communications.... communications we were never designed to have. It shouldn't exist like this. There'll never be some sort of age or intelligence restrictions to online actions, but that is exactly what it would take to fix this. Our freedom here comes with an uncontrollable downside and we see it here in trolls.
