MovieChat Forums > Jack Ryan (2018) Discussion > S03 observations up to E05

S03 observations up to E05

• Does anyone else hear the iPhone classic "crickets" alarm sound in the opening theme music? Drives me crazy; keep looking at my phone.

• Was the dialogue this contrived in the prior two seasons? It's more noticeable this season.

• One of the Jack character's charms in the "Ryan universe" is that he's "just an analyst" thrown in to combat/operator situations outside his training, but in every op so far he is running point/being the guy at the front of the formation/first through the door whether in a SEAL team or with field-hardened CIA field agents. Trying to suspend disbelief, but c'mon...

• While Nina Hoss/Czech Pres. Kovac is a fine actress, it's weird her character has such an obvious German accent.

Last one may be nitpicking, but I have an ear for accents, alas.


I'm half way thru. I'm not hating it but i'm not compelled to binge through it either. I was fine with Jack being dragged along on these ops. It's a tv show, we have to make it exciting. Can't have him in the office staring at green dots on a screen like they did in Patriot Games. But yeah, next thing you know, he's actually leading these teams. Tactically, in combat situations. It's absurd. At least he's gets his butt kicked in a fight, he's not a martial arts master. Yet.

lol her accent. it's very sexy and very German. reminds me of Franka Potente.


Looks like we're on the same page. The best thing about this season to me is its locations.

In the likelihood your username is not related to the song "Red Tandy" by The Mother Hips, you might get a kick out of hearing the word sung repeatedly: They're from Chico, CA and are one of my favorite rock bands currently touring one can see in an intimate venue. Their studio albums are great too, but they shine live.


lol nah I was watching Last Man on Earth when this site was created and thought it would be a fun new handle cause i'm also a clueless dumb ass like the lead character. I will certainly check out this ballad your friends have written about me.


The Vincent Price one? That's my favorite of the three Matheson's "I Am Legend" adaptations I've seen, not that I can take Price seriously in anything... No idea where "Tandy" fits in that equation, but nbd.


Personally a fan of "the omega man" myself, but I believe he is referencing the show "Last man on earth". The main character is nicknamed "Tandy". Good show although it does get a little stupid towards the end of the series. Kinda gave me a chuckle that you confused the work of the great Vincent price for Will Forte...


Haha, now that is funny. Big Forte fan and actually watched and enjoyed the first few eps. of that show, but my interest waned in direct correlation with each additional character. Of his stuff I've seen, imo his finest work was with Tim and Eric, e.g. et. al.

Enjoyed Omega Man for different reasons, but I have to be in a certain cheesy '70s mood to appreciate. Strngely, now I have the urge to watch the Will Smith one, as I was just made aware of an alternate "director's" cut.

[edit] Hey! First post on 1/1. That's gotta mean something.



Patriot Games is my favorite of the JRU I've seen.


> • Does anyone else hear the iPhone classic "crickets" alarm sound in the opening theme music? Drives me crazy; keep looking at my phone.

God I frickin' hate when people on the radio or in a podcast, or wherever that broadcasts to other people do not shut their electronic notifications down.

Same thing on radio. We used to have a talk radio station that would do the traffic and weather, and it always started with honking horns, and often caught be off guard thinking someone was honking at me.


IKTF so well. Especially police sirens. I'm mirror checking like a tweaker instantly. On a similar audial pet peeve "wavelength," I know the Wilhelm scream is a super-cool inside joke between filmmakers/sound guys but damn does it ever instantly pull me out of a film. There is another longer "male falling" scream and a "repeating female shriek" that are used all the time in films as stock sound effects that annoy me just as much, but I'm not aware if they have names or not.

[edit] The phone thing is simply unprofessional, but depending on who it is, I get a kick if they have the chutzpah to actually take a phone call mid-interview.
