
The film uses three timelines to tell about the event surrounding Dunkirk.

I personally like the gimmick because it causes the audience to stay engaged with the timelines in order to pay attention to what's happening.

What do you think?


I understood it but unfortunately many did not. They thought Tom Hardys plane was gliding for over a day...lol


first viewing, I missed first 10 minutes, so MISSED the explanation of the timeline. That didn't help, but I kinda figured it out anyway.

NEXT viewing I understood the timeline setup... and tracked with it fine.... just didn't really see the need for it, myself. And I LOVE un-linear stuff. Here, it didn't HELP the film in any way - TO ME - didn't hurt it either. Just seemed rather self-indulgent.


I was not expecting this and it kinda took me by surprise. I’ll admit, at one point I wondered if this was really all that necessary. Certainly, it kept me engaged and by the end I thought it was gently and finely-executed. So it worked for me.




I liked it but it would be cool to also have someone arrange the timelines so they are in chronological order like someone did for Memento.


I saw the same thing with Pulp Fiction. I enjoyed it.
