What a load of crap

Terrible film. Not funny nor intriguing in any way what so ever. Main character was a smug bitch. Wish she had died when she fell out of the car in the opening scene. Only good part of the movie.


Why was the main character a smug bitch?


Because OP is an incel.


Goddamned right


I totally disagree. I thought it was excellent, one of the best films of the decade.


I liked it a lot. A fresh, warm and smart spin in a well-worn genre, and one of the most believable, funny and moving portrayals of a mother-daughter relationship in recent memory.


You know not of what you speak!!

Seriously, I couldn’t disagree more strongly. I saw this for the first time today and I thought it was a wonderful film. Rarely are teen dramas this thoughtful and finely crafted. I thought it was a gorgeous movie. A solid 4.5/5 for me.


It's one of those films I went in overly excited to see as criticis and some film goers were praising it to the high heavens. I came out if it just thinking it was a good coming of age film carried by two great performances from Saoirse Ronan and Laurie Metcalf. It was definitely over praised to a fault by critics but it's not "a load of Crap" but it certainly ain't a classic either imo.

I'd give it a 7 from IMDB score.
