MovieChat Forums > Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Discussion > Your reaction to FK is entirely dependen...

Your reaction to FK is entirely dependent on what you want from the JP franchise

I saw the movie yesterday and was disappointed.

It is essentially the spiritual successor to The Lost World, which has always been my least favorite film in the franchise. It is dark, both visually and tonally, and is essentially a creature feature with killer dinos and that's it. And after thinking about it, I concluded that whether or not you like Fallen Kingdom will largely depend on what you want from the franchise.

Personally, I think the first film works so well because it successfully blends the tense horror elements with a wide-eyed sense of child-like wonder and it even doubles on occasion as an educational film, teaching the audience some things about science and dinosaurs that they probably didn't know.

Fallen Kingdom, on the other hand, doubles down on the horror elements while jettisoning everything else.

So what do you want? Just a horror film about killer dinosaurs? Or something more?


I think the problem with the JP sequels is that once you get past the great initial premise (a dino theme park gone bad) you just have to keep coming up with contrived situations for people to keep encountering dinosaurs and it doesn't work. The emphasis often ends up being more on human villains as the threat rather than the dinosaurs, as was the case here. I think JP would work better as a King Kong type franchise where they just remade the first film every 20 years or so instead of trying sequels.


Agreed - the sense of wonder is gone.

But.... I guess they could have gone with 'dinosaurs are starting to multiply' sort of mystery - where you'd still get that epic music when they witness baby dinosaurs and stuff - and perhaps come up with some sort of horrific hybrid dinosaur which is a result of the breeding which goes on rampage in the second half of the film.

To this day though.... all of the films were horror driven - and it's not great horror either, since we already know who is hunting whom.


That's the problem. People think the Jurassic movies are about dino's in a park. It isn't. Its about science and the will and power of mankind to go too far with science, never learn their mistakes and eventually cause their own demise. That life will find a way and cannot be controlled.
That's Crichton. He just used that idea in a dino theme park story. What the Jurassic sequels need to do is find what Crichton means and thinks and use that in the sequels, which they did. Maybe not executed the best way, but they are paying a lot of attention to the details of Crichton's books and philosophy. Jurassic is bigger than just dino's in a park and its time people start to realize that.


Does every film have to repeat the last one and retread the same theme though?


Yea I'm getting tired of the "Shame on you for messing with mother nature". I mean we do it all the time by living in airconditioned homes and useing medical technology to prolong our lives and use cars for travel. And we already have zoos. Jurassic park failed cause some ass hat decided to use an electric fence to contain the dinosuars not because we tampered with genetics and it got away with us.


Ha, yeah, I'm still not convinced that a Jurassic Park could not be a successful venture. If you learn enough about the dinos, then as you imply, it's just another zoo. Dinosaurs are just animals after all.

What the guys in the first film lacked more than anything was knowledge and experience with the creatures.


I'd totally go see it if the prices were at the dinsyland level but I'm not wasting my life savings to see them fuck that. I hope a park trying to be that outragous would fail.


No it doesn't. But they should use and underlying theme and roll with it. It looks like they are doing that now looking at the ending of JW FK.


I completely agree that it depends on what you want from a JP movie but it also depends on what you were expecting.

I knew going in that this was not going to be an intellectual piece with a thoughtful premise and quality made characters. I felt it was going to be a rushed sequel to Jurassic world with universal calling the shots trying to protect their cash cow. But, I was actually pleasantly surprised by JA's direction and really enjoyed the horror he brought back to the franchise. I felt the same way about the last act in this film as I did watching the kitchen scene in JP and if you can add any of the magic back to what was in the first film bravo I say.


I was giving it the benefit of the doubt and hoping that it would at least be as fun and well-made as Jurassic World. Bayona's direction I thought was solid, but the story just didn't work for me. And the overly dark visuals and tone--the same thing I didn't like about The Lost World--also didn't work for me. The look and feel I think was literally depressing.

As I said in the OP, I think it comes down to what do you WANT. If the horror aspect of the JP premise is what really appeals to you, then I could see how Fallen Kingdom could be a fun ride. But if not, this movie definitely will not deliver what you're looking for.

Frankly, I'm wondering if this franchise can really deliver a compelling experience without the park. I really like the park. I think they could make an entire movie inside the park where everything actually goes RIGHT and I think I'd have fun with it.


I think my biggest problem with it now seems to be that the characters are making so many thoughtless decisions it's almost like they're trying to make things worse. I'm fine with that up until a point but now it seems to be the thing that continues the whole franchise so it's becoming a greater and greater issue.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested-


I agree. Its all about expectations. The thing people seem to forget is that is its impossible to recreate the magic and succes of the very first Jurassic Park. NO JP or JW film will ever be as good as the first one. People need to just let that go and enjoy the new films for what they are. Just enjoy the ride. As a fan, at least be happy the franchise is alive and great.

The new films don't destroy anything. They aren't horrible either. Some are better than others, but I love them all.
Fallen Kingdom has its highs and its lows. Its highs are very high though. I can pinpoint at least 4 scenes that were goddamn amazing in every aspect. It also has more lows than some previous films may have had.

''Fallen Kingdom, on the other hand, doubles down on the horror elements''
This can be a turnoff for some fans, sure. But I love the fact that they choose to just do something different this time. I heard the next one, JW3, will be a return to form in tone. So more akin to the first JP. That makes JW FK just a nice little deviation. Nothing will be sure, if you didn't like FK, you might like the next one. Thats the fun of this franchise.
At least be happy it didn't kill the Jurassic lore like The Last Jedi did to Star Wars...


I agree that no film will ever be as good as the first one, if only because the premise and the quality of the effects in that film felt entirely new and fresh in 1993. How can you recapture that? I just don't think you can.

I have enjoyed the franchise as a whole. The Lost World I tend not to ever revisit, but at least it has the scene where the trailer gets attacked by the T-Rexes (even if it does go on a bit too long). JP3 I think is actually kind of underrated. JW is the second best and has the richest narrative outside of the first film, even if some of the plot silliness like weaponized dinos brings it down a bit.

But Fallen Kingdom . . . man. I just don't know. I was very much looking forward to it and felt so let down. I remember just being bored by it and, probably an hour and 45 minutes or so into the film just being like, "This fucking thing is STILL going on?"

It started out well. The first, I dunno, maybe 20 minutes or so was quite reminiscent of early Spielberg films. It definitely had that Amblin quality. But it devolved from there and once the plot twist about dude's trickery really comes into view I was just like, eh, boring. I think I would have preferred it if the movie REALLY WAS about relocating dinos to another island instead of about cartoon villains screaming "20 MILLIONS!!!" at an illegal dino auction.

I do think the film had some cool visuals and some cool individual scenes, and I liked the girl even if ultimately she didn't have a whole lot to do, and I thought the score was excellent. But the weird thing is that it felt to me like a lot of the best stuff didn't feel like it fit in this movie or even in this franchise. It felt like that stuff should be in some other, better movie.

I dunno. Maybe it will grow on me over time. I kind of doubt it, but that's what happened with JP3, so we'll see.


Yeah I agree that the movie should have been shorter for the story it tried to tell. If you didn't like this one, maybe you'll like the next one. JW1 is so different from FK, that who knows how different JW3 will be.
Maybe it will grow on you, maybe it won't. For me it depends on how JW3 will become. I kinda disliked JP3 as the ending to the franchise. I always thought: 'really, thats it?'. But now that JW has come out and the franchise keeps going, JP3 is just a nice little side movie. Cool and fun dinosaur adventure. It doesn't make or break the franchise (in my opinion) and you can skip it if you are turned off by it. For me, JP3 also grew on me.

Sure, JW FK is kinda hard to skip if you want to follow the franchise with JW3, but hey, you don't have to watch it again if you don't want to. I just liked JW FK alot. It could have been alot better, sure, but I liked the story. I think people just expect waaay too much.
